CRISPR/Cas9 as a tool for Genome Editing: A Mini-Review on Development and Approaches E.Riazimontazer, A.Gholami
Manufacturing and Properties of Poly Vinyl Alcohol/Fibrin Nanocomposite Used for Wound Dressing
F.S. Hoseini, R.Taherian, A.Atashi
Polyethyleneimine - based materials for gene therapy, bioimaging and drug delivery systems applications
Masoumzadeh, A. Zare
Reducing Amination of Aldehydes and Ketons with Highly Branch Polyethylenemine Supported Zirconia Borohydride and Nano Tetrachlorosilane as a New and Mild Reducing Agent
Niknam, N. Goudarzian, Kh.Yousefi
Covid-19 treatment by plant compounds
Mazraedoost, G. Behbudi, S. M. Mousavi, S. A. Hashemi
The electrochemical behavior of Dopamine as electron transfer mediator catalyst for adsorption of Phenyl Boronic Acid and Sodium Tetraborate