West Kazakhstan Medical Unversity named after Marat Ospanov

List of scientific projects

List of scientific projects

List of scientific research works for 2016

List of scientific research works for 2017

List of scientific research works for 2018

List of scientific research works for 2019

List of scientific research works for 2020

List of scientific research works for 2021

List of scientific research works for 2022

List of scientific research works for 2023

«Students’ research projects for 2023-2024»

Science and Technology Program “Pre-Suicidal Tendencies as a Comprehensive Indicator and Monitoring Object: A Population Study of Youth and Young Adults in Kazakhstan” within the Framework of Program-Targeted Funding for 2024-2026 (IRN BR24993083)

Aim – Develop a comprehensive monitoring methodology designed for: a) analyzing the dynamics of pre-suicidal conditions among adolescents and young adults (aged 16 to 40); b) identifying intrapersonal and social-environmental factors that determine susceptibility to suicidal behavior in individuals or social groups; c) providing scientific and informational support for measures to prevent suicidal behavior and optimize healthcare, education, social, and youth policies in Kazakhstan.


  1. Identify the bio-psycho-social determinants of suicidal behavior
  2. Determine the underlying mechanisms of suicidal behavior
  3. Develop suicide prevention measures
  4. Implement suicide prevention measures into clinical practice among the population of Kazakhstan
  5. Identify root causes and risk and protective factors in suicidal behavior, considering their short- and long-term impacts in the context of social and cultural characteristics of the country and regions
  6. Conduct a meta-analysis and international review of key factors affecting suicidality and develop effective suicide prevention strategies, including risk and protective factors and intervention effectiveness
  7. Evaluate leading international practices and assess the feasibility of using various questionnaires for evaluating the invariance of suicidality measurement constructs
  8. Conduct a national sociological multilevel study across Kazakhstan to assess public perception and key trends associated with suicidality and identify relationships between variables at the individual (e.g., level of condemnation/taboo, understanding/empathy, influence of social networks, and cultural norms, accessibility and assistance, education, and prevention) and regional levels
  9. Interpret collected data and determine a sociological measurement matrix for suicidality, applying deprivation and social fragmentation indexes to assess the prevalence of suicidal thoughts, attempts, and completed suicides, and conduct statistical monitoring of suicidal behavior across regions
  10. Identify the social aspects of suicidality based on the obtained data, including
  11. a) levels of social support, increased/reduced sense of isolation and support during crisis situations,
  12. b) family relationships,
  13. c) education level and access to education,
  14. d) economic factors (poverty, unemployment, and economic instability),
  15. e) social isolation and stigma associated with mental health
  16. Prepare recommendations for the development of feasible short-, medium-, and long-term measures and policies to reduce cases of suicidal behavior, including programs and communication strategies that can be implemented with the support of all relevant government bodies and decision-makers in Kazakhstan
  17. Disseminate results and findings of this research in the social, educational, and managerial fields.

Expected Results:

– New data on common and Kazakhstan-specific mechanisms and factors that increase and decrease suicide risk among adolescents and young adults in Kazakhstan

– Reliable bio-psycho-social indicators of suicide risk and their interrelationships in the studied population will be identified

– Global experience and best practices will be examined for potential transfer or adaptation to the Kazakhstani context

– The effectiveness of preventive and rehabilitative interventions will be assessed, followed by the development of recommendations for the medical, social, educational, and managerial fields

– Information resources will be prepared for end-users of the project.

Strategically Important National Tasks Addressed by the Program:

  1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 18, 2011 No. 407-IV “On Science”
  2. Kazakhstan’s Development Strategy until 2050
  3. The Concept of Development of Higher Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March 28, 2023, No. 248, Action Plan point 28
  4. Protocol of the meeting of the National Council on Science and Technology dated April 12, 2023, point 2.2
  5. Address of the Head of State K-J. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Economic Course of a Fair Kazakhstan” dated September 1, 2023, point 52 of the National Action Plan
  6. Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 2, 2021 No. 400-VI.

Program Location: Republic of Kazakhstan

– Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University”

– Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Semey Medical University”

– Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Mental Health, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Planned Program Start and End Dates and Duration in Months: 01.07.2024 – 31.12.2026 (30 months)

Scientific and technical project with grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025: IRN AP19677517 “Elemental status of the child population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 220/23- 25 from 08/03/2023

Registration number: 0123РК00860, № 13/8-21-2637, 12.09.2023.

Scientific supervisor: Батырова Гульнара Арыстангалиевна, PhD, Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics

Hirsch index 4

Scopus Author ID 57195269858

ORCID iD 0000-0001-7970-4059

Web of Science Researcher ID AAP-5352-2020

Place of implementation: West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

Relevance: Within the framework of the national project “Quality and affordable healthcare for every citizen” Healthy Nation “, which is being implemented in the country, special attention is paid to preserving and strengthening the health of children. At the same time, great importance is given to the task of ensuring wide coverage of the population with healthcare services, especially in rural areas.

The aim of the project is to study the state of the elemental status of the child population as an indicator of the availability of micronutrients for children and the impact of environmental pollutants, especially in rural areas.

Purpose of the study: To study the elemental status of the child population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Practical significance and novelty: For the first time in Kazakhstan, the influence of elemental status on physical development will be assessed using WHO standards. For the first time, the features of the elemental status of children in rural areas will be revealed. The data obtained during the study will be demonstrated in an online atlas with the visualization of regional differences in the content of elements in children in Western Kazakhstan. The functionality laid down in the development of the online atlas, the flexibility of the technologies with which it will be implemented, make it simple and accessible to the general public.The online atlas will offer children’s elemental status data as interactive, geo-referenced maps, in a simple and understandable way, and will be publicly available. The information obtained will allow substantiating further corrective measures to compensate for the deficiency of micro- and macroelements by the food method.

Results obtained for 2023:

According to the calendar plan, during scientific trips, hair was collected from children and adolescents permanently residing in Martuk, Baiganinsky, Temir, Kargalinsky, Uilsky, Khobdinsky, Mugodzharsky, Irgizsky, Aitekebiysky, Khromtausky, Shalkarsky, Alginsky oblasts of the Aktobe region and in the city of Aktobe. An assessment of the elemental status of children was carried out.

An assessment of the physical development of the child population of the Aktobe region was carried out. Work was carried out to develop maps of the elemental status of the child population of the Aktobe region. The interactive cartogram of the online atlas displays the elemental status of the child population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (currently in the Aktobe region). Maps of the elemental status of the child population of the Aktobe region of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan were compiled.

Abstracts published in collections of materials of international conferences:

  1. Batyrova G.A., Taskozhina G.E., Umarova G.A. Assessment of the content of conditionally essential microelements by mass spectrometry in the child population of the Western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern trends in laboratory medicine for clinical practice”. – Astana: NJSC “Astana Medical University”, 2023. – P.23-24

2.Taskozhina G.E., Serikbaeva N.R. Analysis of calcium and phosphorus content in biosubstrates of children and adolescents using the mass spectrometry method // Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern trends in laboratory medicine for clinical practice”. – Astana: NJSC “Astana Medical University”, 2023. – P.70

Scientific and technical project with grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025: IRN AP19678139 “Assessment of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being of studying youth in West Kazakhstan”, Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 220/23- 25 from 08/03/2023

Registration number: 0123РК00899, 13/8-21-2715, 18.09.2023.

Scientific supervisor: Knissarina Malika Maksatovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, ORCID: 0000-0002-7350-1768 (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7350-1768), Scopus authors ID: 57192387506 (https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57192387506), Researcher ID: Q-6386-2018 (https://publons.com/researcher/1867176/malika-m-knissarina/).

Place of implementation: this scientific project has been implemented at the Department of Psychology of West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University since 2023

Relevance: According to UNICEF Kazakhstan (https://www.unicef.org/kazakhstan/media), the development of an independent, civic personality of youth, the formation of their positive worldview while preserving the national-state identity and cultural originality is recognized as the weakest domain in the Kazakhstan Index Assessment well-being of youth.

In this regard, at the beginning of 2021, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Jomart Tokaiyev, instructed to develop a Youth Development Index for the country: “According to world practice, it is necessary to introduce a youth development index in Kazakhstan. The work of 36 local authorities to implement youth policy will be assessed on the basis of this criterion,” since the well-being of youth is included in the system of state priorities aimed at expanding the opportunities of the younger generation for effective self-realization, successful socialization, as well as the growth of human capital, contributing to the achievement of sustainable social economic development, competitiveness and national security of the country.

The study will expand knowledge in the field of the Youth Well-Being Index, factors contributing to the creation of an attractive environment for active youth with a strong civic position (volunteering, participation in social and professional projects, summer work teams, internships, improvement work, etc.). At the same time, an analysis of the main indicators of the well-being of studying youth using the example of Western Kazakhstan will contribute to the creation of a holistic understanding of the socio-psychological levers that influence the intensive growth of the well-being of studying youth, and, as a result, the identification of an appropriate forecast for the effective course of this process.

Purpose of the study: theoretical justification and identification of socio-psychological opportunities for intensive growth of well-being for effective self-realization and further professional development of students using the example of West Kazakhstan.

Practical significance and novelty: The expected social and economic effect from the results of the implementation of this project is seen in increasing the intensive growth of well-being of the studying youth of Western Kazakhstan, in identifying the conditions necessary for their effective development in the field of youth policy. This study expands knowledge in the field of well-being and development of students, in particular in clarifying the basic concepts of “personal well-being”, “social and psychological well-being of the individual”, “youth well-being index”, “assessment of the well-being of students”, in determining the criteria for the Well-Being Index youth (civic participation, economic opportunity, education, health, information and communications technology, safety and security).

Results obtained for 2023:

1) The essential characteristics and conceptual foundations of the concepts of “personal well-being”, “socio-psychological well-being of the individual”, “youth well-being index”, “assessment of the well-being of studying youth” are analyzed based on the theories of: R. Ryan and E. Deci, self-determination theory, the theory of psychosocial development of D. Havighers, the theory of N. Hartmann, F. Vernon, the sociocultural theory of development of J. Bruner and others. The analysis demonstrates that the Youth Well-Being Index is an important tool for measuring and analyzing the quality of life of young people. Its role is to measure the quality of life of young people, compare between regions and countries, monitor changes in well-being over time and set priorities for the development of policies and programs to support young people. The Index plays an important role in assessing and improving the lives of young people and in shaping effective public policies and programs to support them. The component criteria of the Youth Well-Being Index have been identified: civic participation, economic opportunity, education, health, ICT, safety and security.

2) From 09/26/2023 to 09/30/2023. researchers (Knissarina M.M., Miraleyeva A.I., Syzdykbayeva A.D.) completed an internship and received consultations from foreign scientists at the St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (St. Petersburg, Russia). The purpose of the internship was to discuss the socio-psychological conditions for the intensive growth of well-being of students in the conditions of professional training at the university.

Internship program (download file)

Internship certificates (download file)

Scientific and technical project with grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024: IRN AP14870878 “The effect of vaccination on immunity in patients with a post COVID 19 condition among the population of Kazakhstan”

Contract with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan / No. 178/30-22-24 from 18.10.2022

Name of the priority direction of science development

5 – Life Science and Health

Key words , characterizing the industry and direction of the research

SARS-CoV-2, QazVac, SputnikV, humoral immune response ,cellular immunity , post COVID 19 condition

Years of implementation

01.07.2022-31.12.2024, 30 months

Research goal

To research the effect of vaccination with the domestic vaccine QazVac on the indicators of cellular and humoral immunity in patients with a post COVID 19 condition among the population of Western Kazakhstan in order to identify risk factors for its occurrence.

Project objectives

1.To study the prevalence and epidemiological features of the development of the post COVID condition, depending on the status of vaccination, the level of awareness and adherence to vaccination.

2.To study the features of humoral and cellular immunity in patients with post-COVID syndrome, depending on the status of vaccination and in the control group, vaccinated with the domestic vaccine QazVac.

3.To study the clinical and laboratory indicators of the manifestations of the post COVID 19 condition in patients after vaccination with the domestic QazVac vaccine, Sputnik V vaccine and unvaccinated.

4.Identify risk factors for post-COVID 19 conditions depending on vaccine status and develop a risk map.


After an acute infection with COVID 19, some patients still have health problems. To date, little is known about specific T-cell responses and antibodies in patients with a post-COVID 19 condition, and risk factors contributing to the onset of a post-COVID 19 condition have not been identified.

In this regard, within the framework of a scientific project, the prevalence of conditions after COVID 19 will be studied, the level of commitment of the population of Aktobe to vaccination against COVID 19 and confidence in the domestic vaccine QazVac will be determined. The research will study the humoral and cellular components of natural and post-vaccination immunity in 3 categories of patients: patients with post-COVID syndrome, vaccinated with the domestic QazVac vaccine, SputnikV vaccine and those who have not been vaccinated. A control study of immunoglobulins and lymphocyte populations will be carried out in individuals after vaccination with the domestic QazVac vaccine.

A comparative analysis of clinical, laboratory and immunological parameters (immunoglobulins and lymphocyte populations), as well as in healthy individuals who received the QazVac vaccine, will be carried out.

Expected results

The results of epidemiological studies will be the identification of the level of public commitment to vaccination against COVID 19, as well as confidence in the domestic vaccine. The main sources of information that inspire confidence among the population to understand the need for vaccination will be identified. A web questionnaire will be developed, an author’s certificate will be obtained. The obtained results of epidemiological studies will make it possible to substantiate recommendations to general practitioners to work with the population on vaccination. The online questionnaire will be in demand by public health specialists to identify awareness and commitment of various strata to vaccination.
The result of the study of clinical and immunological changes (conditions, deviations) that occurred in patients with a post-covid condition: without vaccination, vaccinated with QazVac vaccine and SputnikV vaccine. A risk map will be developed depending on the vaccination status and an author’s certificate will be obtained.

3 undergraduates will be trained.

 It is planned to publish articles in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals, presumably:

– 2 articles will be published in scientific publications in the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty-five);

– 3 articles or reviews will be published in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic publication recommended by the CQAFSHE; (Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education)

 It is planned to participate in international conferences / congresses with the publication of abstracts – 3. Acts of implementation in practical healthcare 2 will be issued

The final product of the study is to write a monograph, which will present the results on the topic under study, namely the epidemiological, clinical and immunological features of post-covid conditions in the population of Aktobe.

Results achieved in 2022

A web-questionnaire was developed in 2 languages and a copyright certificate was received. The participant’s IRC and informed consent forms were developed and replicated, the researcher’s magazines and brochures (instructions) were developed. Members of the research group were trained to conduct the study, fill out documentation and work with the database. Questionnaires are being sent out among the population of Aktobe, 817 questionnaires have been collected. A database of patients with post-covid syndrome is being studied in 3 polyclinics in Aktobe for the selection of patients and people in the control group for the study.


Urazaeva T.Saltanat – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology.

She has about 100 scientific publications, of which 4 are published in scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases; author of 8 textbooks.

Research interests: epidemiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases, vaccinology. She was the head of the scientific and technical program funded by the university – “Studying the epidemiological patterns of the course of anthroponotic infectious diseases among adolescents and adults in the Aktobe region” (2016-2017) and a participant in the scientific and technical program funded by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan “National program for the introduction of personalized and preventive medicine in Republic of Kazakhstan” 2021-2023 (IRN OR12165486)

 Urazaeva S.T. – Scopus Researcher ID-57208062042

Urazaeva S.T. – Web of Science Researcher ID – ABF-6482-2021


  • Saltanat T.Urazayeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology of NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – Leading Researcher, Project Manager;


  • Kurmangalieva S.Saule , Candidate of Medical Sciences Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology, Immunology of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov”– senior researcher of the project;


  • Tusupkalieva Sh.Kymbat, Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the Department of Epidemiology of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – senior researcher of the project;


  • Seitmaganbetova A.Nazgul, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – senior researcher of the project. https://orcid.org//0000-0002-7718-4464;
  • Begalin Toleukhan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior teacher of the Department of Epidemiology of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – researcher of the project;


  • Urazaeva B.Aisha, PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – senior researcher of the project;


  • Tashimova K.Zhuldyz, Master МВА, Senior lecturer of the Department of Epidemiology of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – researcher of the project;


  • Baktikulova V.Kristina, laboratory doctor at the Medical Center of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – junior researcher of the project; https://orcid.org//0000-0003-1806-1058;
  • Begalina T.Dana, Assistant of the Department of General Medical Practice №2 of the NJSC “WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – junior researcher of the project;


  • Zhumagalieva K.Saltanat , Master of Technical Sciences, Junior Researcher of the Department of Management of Research Activities of the NJSC”WKMU named after Marat Ospanov” – junior researcher of the project;

Научно-технический проект с грантовым финансированием по научным и (или) научно-техническим проектам на 2021-2023 годы: ИРН AP09259524 «Разработка Программы ранней диагностики и лечения кардиотоксических осложнений, вызванных химиотерапией рака молочной железы»

Параметры Детализация
1 Тема НТП

Разработка Программы ранней диагностики и лечения кардиотоксических осложнений, вызванных химиотерапией рака молочной железы.

Сүт безі обырының химиотерапиясы нәтижесінде туындаған кардиоуыттылық асқынуларды ерте диагностикалау және емдеу бағдарламасын әзірлеу.

Development of a PRogram for Early DIagnosis and treatment of CArdiotoxic complications caused by chemoTherapy for BrEast cancer (PREDICATE).

2 Наименование приоритетного направления развития науки 6. Наука о жизни и здоровье.



3 Ключевые слова, характеризующие отрасль и направление исследований Кардиотоксичность, химиотерапия, продольная деформация миокарда, хроническая сердечная недостаточность, рак молочной железы, кардиомаркеры.


Кардиоуыттылық, химиотерапия, миокардтың бойлық деформациясы, созылмалы жүрек жеткіліксіздігі, кардиомаркерлер.

Сardiotoxicity, chemotherapy, longitudinal myocardial strain, chronic heart failure, Breast cancer, cardiac markers.

4 Годы реализации 2021-2023 (36 месяцев)
5 ИРН АР09259524
6 № госрегистрации 0121РК00565
7 Договор с МОН РК № 221-36-21-23 от 15.04.2021г.
8 Цель проекта Разработка и внедрение программы ранней диагностики и лечения кардиотоксических осложнений противоопухолевой химиотерапии рака молочной железы в условиях МЦ ЗКМУ имени Марата Оспанова.


Марат Оспанов атындағы БҚМУ МО жағдайында сүт безі обырының ісікке қарсы химиотерапиясының кардиотоксикалық асқынуларын ерте диагностикалау және емдеу бағдарламасын әзірлеу және енгізу.

Development and implementation of a program for early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications of the Breast cancer antitumor therapy under conditions of West Kazakhstan University’s Medical Center.

9 Задачи проекта 1) В ретроспективной части исследования – оценить распространенность, структуру и факторы, ассоциированные с кардиотоксическими осложнениями химиотерапии рака молочной железы в реальной клинической практике.2) В проспективном исследовании изучить прогностическое значение кардиотоксичности химиотерапии, выявленной методикой «GLS».


3) В проспективном исследовании определить уровень биомаркеров и установить их связь с нарушением диастолической и систолической функций сердца в различные сроки после химиотерапии РМЖ.

4) В проспективном исследовании выявить нарушения ритма и проводимости и установить их связь с нарушением диастолической и систолической функций сердца в разные сроки после начала химиотерапии РМЖ.

5) Предложить рабочий алгоритм ранней диагностики, лечения и профилактики кардиотоксичности противоопухолевой химиотерапии при раке молочной железы.

1) Зерттеудің ретроспективті бөлігінде – нақты клиникалық тәжірибеде сүт безі обыры химиотерапиясының кардиоуыттылық асқынуларымен байланысты таралу жиілігін, құрылымын және факторларын бағалау.

2) Проспективті зерттеуде “GLS” әдісімен анықталған химиотерапияның

кардиоуыттылығының болжамды мәнін зерттеу.

3) Проспективті зерттеуде биомаркерлердің деңгейін анықтау және олардың жүректің диастолалық және систолалық функциясының бұзылуымен байланысын орнату.

4) Проспективті зерттеуде СБО химиотерапиясы басталғаннан кейін әр түрлі уақытта ырғақ пен өткізгіштіктің бұзылуын анықтап, олардың диастолалық және систолалық жүрек функциясының бұзылуымен байланысын орнату.

5) Сүт безі обыры кезінде қатерлі ісікке қарсы химиотерапияның кардиоуыттылығын ерте диагностикалау, емдеу және алдын-алудың жұмыс алгоритмін ұсыну.

1) In a retrospective part of the study: To assess the prevalence, structure, and factors linked to cardiotoxic complications of Breast cancer chemotherapy in real clinical practice.

2) In a prospective study: To determine the predictive value of the chemotherapy cardiotoxicity identified by the GLS technique.

3) In a prospective study: To determine the level of biomarkers and establish their relationship with impaired diastolic and systolic cardiac functions at different times after the Breast cancer chemotherapy started.

4) In a prospective study: To identify rhythm and conductivity disturbances and establish their relationship with disturbances in the diastolic and systolic functions of the heart at different times after the start of Breast cancer chemotherapy.

5) To suggest a running algorithm for early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiotoxic complications in chemotherapy for Breast cancer.

10 Актуальность Раннее выявление симптомов кардиотоксичности химиотерапии жизненно важно для выживаемости и качества жизни онкобольных. Идея проекта: оценить реальную клиническую ситуацию, связанную с частотой, клиническим профилем, факторами риска и лечением сердечно-сосудистых осложнений, ассоциированных с противоопухолевой химиотерапией у больных раком молочной железы. Определить у больных, получающих химиотерапию рака молочной железы (РМЖ), прогностическое значение биомаркеров повреждения, воспаления, нейрогормональной активации, оксидативного стресса, фиброза, тромбоза, и выявить дисфункцию миокарда средствами стандартной ЭХОКГ и через оценку глобальной продольной деформации миокарда (GLS). Создать рабочий алгоритм для принятия междисциплинарных решений для этой сложной категории пациентов.


Химиотерапияның кардиоуыттылық симптомдарын ерте анықтау қатерлі ісікпен ауыратын науқастардың тірі қалуы мен өмір сүру сапасы үшін өте маңызды. Жоба идеясы: СБО бар науқастарда ісікке қарсы химиотерапиямен байланысты жүрек-қантамырлары асқынуларының жиілігіне, клиникалық профиліне, қауіп факторлары мен емдеуіне байланысты нақты клиникалық жағдайды бағалау. Сүт безі обырынан (СБО) химиотерапия алатын науқастарда биомаркерлердің зақымдану, қабыну, нейрогормональды активация, оксидативті стресс, фиброз, тромбоздың болжамды мәнін анықтау және стандартты ЭХОКГ көмегімен және миокардтың жаһандық бойлық деформациясын (GLS) бағалау арқылы миокард дисфункциясын анықтау. Науқастардың осы күрделі категориясы үшін пәнаралық шешімдер қабылдау үшін жұмыс алгоритмін жасау.

Early detection of cardiotoxic symptoms during chemotherapy is vital for survival and quality of life in cancer patients. The Project idea is to assess the real clinical situation related to frequency, clinical profile, risk factors, and treatment of cardiovascular complications associated with antitumor therapy in patients with Breast cancer. For solving this task, there is a need to determine the predictive value of biomarkers of damage, inflammation, neurohormonal activation, oxidative stress, fibrosis, and thrombosis in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Another task of the project is to detect myocardial dysfunction both through standard echocardiography and an assessment of global longitudinal myocardial strain (GLS). Designing a working algorithm for making interdisciplinary decisions for this category of patients is the primary goal of the suggested project.

11 Ожидаемые результаты Основное преимущество и принципиальное отличие представленного проекта заключается в отсутствии в стране исследований на тему кардионкологии. Разработанный и внедренный алгоритм (технология) ранней профилактики кардиотоксических осложнений химиотерапии станет конечным результатом проекта и первым шагом в основании отечественной Кардионкологии.


Проект будет зарегистрирован в международной базе ISRCTN. Результаты исследования будут опубликованы в зарубежных рецензируемых журналах из базы Web of Science с IF не менее 1.5 – 2.0, не ниже Q2 (2 публикации), в рецензируемых журналах ККСОН – 3 публикации.

Полученные данные будут использованы при создании рабочего алгоритма принятия решений с последующей подготовкой Клинических рекомендаций для практических врачей, онкологов и кардиологов, с изложением технологии ведения пациенток с РМЖ, имеющих высокий риск кардиотоксических осложнений химиотерапии. Клинические рекомендации пройдут рецензирование в РЦРЗ.

Будет подготовлен 1 докторант и 1 магистрант.

Будут оформлены: акты внедрения в практическое здравоохранение – 1 (согласно Приказу Министерства по инвестициям и развитию № 791 от 14 ноября 2018 г.), в учебный процесс – 2. Вопрос о патентовании результатов будет решаться Исследовательской группой проекта совместно с внештатными международными консультантами по мере продвижения проекта, не ранее получения промежуточных результатов.

Участие в конференциях: в Казахстане – 1, в ближнем зарубежье – 1, в дальнем зарубежье – 2.

Результаты исследования будут использоваться при проведении занятий с резидентами-кардиологами, резидентами-онкологами, с врачами-курсантами циклов усовершенствования. В практическое здравоохранение будут внедрены методы ранней диагностики дисфункции миокарда после химиотерапии, такие как определение биомаркеров и продольной деформации миокарда.

В план ТУ «Избранные вопросы кардиологии», «Избранные вопросы онкологии», и «Лучевая диагностика в кардиологии» будут включены лекции и практические занятия, посвященные ранней диагностике и лечению кардиотоксических осложнений химиотерапии.

Ұсынылған жобаның басты артықшылығы мен түбегейлі айырмашылығы – елде Кардионкология тақырыбында зерттеулердің болмауы. Химиотерапияның кардиоуыттылық асқынуларының ерте алдын алудың әзірленген және енгізілген алгоритмі (технологиясы) жобаның соңғы нәтижесі және отандық Кардионкология негізігі алғашқы қадам болады.

Зерттеу хаттамасы ISRCTN халықаралық базасында тіркеледі. Зерттеу нәтижелері Web of Science базасынан IF кемінде 1.5 – 2.0, Q2-ден төмен емес (2 жарияланым), БҒСБК рецензияланатын журналдарда – 3 жарияланым жарияланады.

Алынған мәліметтер кейіннен химиотерапияның кардиуыттылық асқыну қаупі жоғары СБО бар пациенттерді жүргізу технологиясын баяндай отырып, практикалық дәрігерлер, онкологтар мен кардиологтар үшін Клиникалық ұсыныстарды дайындау арқылы шешім қабылдаудың жұмыс алгоритмін жасау кезінде пайдаланылатын болады. Клиникалық ұсынымдар ДСДРО-да рецензиялаудан өтеді.

1 докторант және 1 магистрант дайындалады.

Практикалық денсаулық сақтауға енгізу актілері – 1 (Инвестициялар және даму министрлігінің 2018 жылғы 14 қарашадағы № 791 бұйрығына сәйкес), оқу процесіне енгізу актілері – 2 рәсімделетін болады. Нәтижелерді патенттеу туралы мәселені штаттан тыс халықаралық консультанттармен бірлесіп, аралық нәтижелерді алғаннан бұрын емес, жобаның жылжуына қарай жобаның зерттеу тобы шешетін болады.

Конференцияларға қатысу: Қазақстанда – 1, жақын шетелде -1, алыс шетелде – 2.

Зерттеу нәтижелері резидент-кардиологтармен, резидент-онкологтармен, жетілдіру циклдерінің дәрігер-курсанттарымен сабақтар жүргізу кезінде пайдаланылатын болады. Практикалық денсаулық сақтауға химиотерапиядан кейін миокард дисфункциясын биомаркерлерді және миокардтың бойлық деформациясын анықтау сияқты ерте диагностикалау әдістері енгізілетін болады.

“Кардиологияның таңдаулы мәселелері” және “Кардиологиядағы сәулелік диагностика” ТШ жоспарына химиотерапияның кардиоуыттылық асқынуларын ерте диагностикалау мен емдеуге арналған дәрістер мен практикалық сабақтар енгізілетін болады.

The main advantage and fundamental difference between the presented project is the absence of such research in the country. A developed and implemented algorithm (technology) for the early prevention of cardiotoxic complications of chemotherapy will be the final result of the project, and the first step in the national Cardioncology founding.

The research will be registered in the international ISRCTN database.

The study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals from the Web of Science database with IF not less than 1.5-2.0 (two publications), in reviewed journals of ESMC – 3 publications.

The data obtained will be used to present a running decision-making algorithm with the subsequent preparation of Clinical Recommendations for practicing oncologists and cardiologists, outlining the consecutive steps for managing patients with Breast cancer with a high risk of cardiotoxic complications of chemotherapy.

1 Ph.D. and 1 MSc. will be graduated during the present project.

The Certificate of authorship is expected to be issued – 1, Acts of implementation into health care practice – 1 (according to the Order of the Ministry of Investment and Development No. 791 dated November 14, 2018), into the educational process – 2. The issue of patenting the results will be decided by the Project Research Group together with international advisers as the project progresses, not earlier than obtaining interim findings.

Participation in conferences: 1 – in Kazakhstan, 1 – in borderline states, 2 – abroad.

The results of the study will be used during classes with residents-cardiologists, residents-oncologists, and trainees of professional training courses. Methods of early diagnosis of myocardial dysfunction after chemotherapy, such as the monitoring of biomarker levels and early detection of longitudinal myocardial strain, will be introduced in the Health care system.

Into the plan of the Teaching programs for professional training courses, such as “Selected Issues of Cardiology”, “Selected Issues of Oncology” and “Imaging Diagnostics in Cardiology”, lectures and practical exercises on the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiotoxic complications of chemotherapy will be introduced.

12 Достигнутые за 2021 г. результаты Полученные результаты:По первому этапу – всего оценено 305 случаев РМЖ за 2 года. Средний возраст больных – 55.4±11.4 (24-84 года). Исходная ФВЛЖ Ме 60 (58;64), в динамике оценена лишь у 19.7% пациенток. Стадия IIA у 41.6%, инвазивная карцинома у 57.7%, узловая форма рака у 94.1% больных. Данные ИГХ: HER-2 neu негативный рак у 73.1%. Химиотерапевтическое лечение: чистые антрациклины – 65.3%; антрациклины+МКА – 11.5%. Средняя продолжительность ХТ 5.9±3.6 мес., min-max 1-26 мес. Завершили курсы ХТ без осложнений – 65.9%, потребовалась коррекция – 11.8%, курс прерван из-за различных осложнений – 10.5%, сердечно-сосудистых осложнений идентифицировано 6,2%. Выживаемость в группе пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми осложнениями составила 28,1 мес. по сравнению с 34,3 мес. в группе без (p 0,005). У тех, кто завершил лечение без осложнений, выживаемость составила 34,9 мес. по сравнению с 17,6 мес. у лиц, лечение которых было прервано из-за осложнений (p <0,001). Основные конструктивные показатели: Выживаемость пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми осложнениями и без них (28,1 мес. 34,3, p 0.005); окончание курсов химиотерапии без осложнений (у 10,5% курсы прерваны из-за осложнений); охват кардиопротективной коррекцией (только у 19,7%).


Алынған нәтижелері:

1-ші кезеңнің нәтижелері: сүт безі қатерлі ісігінің 305 жағдайы талданды. Науқастардың орташа жасы-55.4±11.4. Бастапқы ФВЛЖ Me 60 (58;64), динамикада пациенттердің тек 19.7% – ы бағаланды. IIA сатысы 41.6%, инвазивті карцинома 57.7%, пациенттердің 94.1% – ында қатерлі ісіктің түйінді түрі. IGH деректері: HER-2 neu теріс қатерлі ісік 73.1%. Химиотерапиялық емдеу: таза антрациклиндер – 65.3%; антрациклиндер+МКА – 11.5%. Орташа ұзақтығы ХТ 5.9±3.6 ай, min-max 1-26 ай. ХТ курстарын асқынусыз аяқтады – 65.9%, түзету қажет болды – 11.8%, курс әртүрлі асқынуларға байланысты үзілді-10.5%, жүрек – қантамырлары асқынулары анықталды 6,2%. Жүрек-қантамырлары асқынулары бар пациенттер тобында өмір сүру деңгейі 28,1 айды құрады 34,3 аймен салыстырғанда жоқ топта (p 0,005). Емдеуді асқынусыз аяқтағандардың өмір сүру деңгейі 34,9 айды құрады 17,6 аймен салыстырғанда асқынуларға байланысты емі үзілген адамдарда (p <0,001).

Негізгі құрылымдық көрсеткіштер: Жүрек-қантамырлары асқынулары бар және онсыз пациенттердің өмір сүру деңгейі (28,1 ай vs. 34,3, p 0.005); химиотерапия курстарының асқынусыз аяқталуы (10,5%-да асқынуларға байланысты емдеу үзілді); кардиопротективті түзетумен қамту (тек 19,7% – да).


During the first stage: a total of 305 breast cancer cases were estimated in 2 years. The average age of the patients was 55.4 ± 11.4 (24-84 years). Initial LVEF Me 60 (58; 64), was assessed in the dynamics only in 19.7% of patients. Stage IIA in 41.6%, invasive carcinoma in 57.7%, nodular cancer in 94.1% of patients. IHC data: HER-2 neu negative cancer in 73.1%. Chemotherapy treatment: pure anthracyclines – 65.3%; anthracyclines + MCA – 11.5%. The average duration of chemotherapy is 5.9 ± 3.6 months, min-max 1-26 months. Completed chemotherapy courses without complications – 65.9%, correction required – 11.8%, the course was interrupted due to various complications – 10.5%, cardiovascular complications were identified in 6.2%. The survival rate in the group of patients with cardiovascular complications was 28.1 months, compared to 34.3 months in the group without (p 0.005). For those who completed treatment without complications, the survival rate was 34.9 months, compared to 17.6 months in persons whose treatment was interrupted due to complications (p <0.001).

Main constructive indicators: Survival of patients with cardiovascular complications and without them (28.1 months 34.3, p 0.005); completion of chemotherapy courses without complications (in 10.5%, courses were interrupted due to complications); coverage with cardioprotective correction (only in 19.7%).

13 Руководитель Балмагамбетова Сауле Кабиевна – Ph.D., доцент кафедры онкологии. Специалист в области онкологии и клинических исследований (сертификат курсов по клиническим исследованиям Гарвардской медицинской школы, 2013). Координатор НТП (грант 2230/ГФ4, № госрегистрации 0115РК01224, исследование зарегистрировано в ISRCTN registry, #7154910, 02.01.2018).


Область научных интересов: эпидемиология рака, онкология женской репродуктивной сферы (рак шейки матки, молочных желез), химиотерапия.

Имеет опыт в ревьюировании статей, 3 ревью указаны в базе Publons. Общее число публикаций – 55, из них в базах Web of Science и Scopus – 9 (+ 9 тезисов в WoS).

Жоба жетекшісі – Балмагамбетова Сәуле Кабиевна – Ph.D., онкология кафедрасының доценті. Онкология және клиникалық зерттеулер саласындағы маман (Гарвард медициналық мектебінің клиникалық зерттеулер бойынша курс сертификаты, 2013). “Батыс Қазақстан аймағындағы жатыр мойнының ассоциацияланған патологиясы- ВПЧ контекстіндегі адам папилломасы вирусының эпидемиологиялық талдауы – әлеуметтік, клиникалық және генетикалық аспектілер” ҒТП координаторы (грант 2230/ГФ4, мемлекеттік тіркеу № 0115рк01224, зерттеу ISRCTN registry халықаралық базасында тіркелген, #7154910, 02.01.2018).

Ғылыми қызығушылық саласы: обырдың эпидемиологиясы, әйелдердің репродуктивті саласының онкологиясы (жатыр мойны обыры, сүт бездері), химиотерапия.

Шолу мақалаларында тәжірибесі бар, 3 шолу Publons базасында көрсетілген. Жарияланымдардың жалпы саны – 55, оның ішінде Web of Science және Scopus базаларында – 9 (+ 9 тезис WoS).

The Project manager – Saule Balmagambetova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Oncology Department. Specialist in Oncology and Clinical Research (Certificate of the course on Clinical Research at Harvard Medical School, 2013). Project Coordinator in the “Epidemiological analysis of human papillomavirus in the context of HPV-associated cervical pathology in the region of Western Kazakhstan – social, clinical and genetic aspects” (grant 2230 / GF4, state registration No. 0115РК01224, the study is registered in the international database ISRCTN registry, # 7154910, 01/02/2018).

Research interests: cancer epidemiology, oncology of the female reproductive system (Cervical cancer, Breast cancer), chemotherapy.

Experience in reviewing articles: 3 reviews are listed in the Publons database. The total number of publications is 55, of which 9 in Web of Science and Scopus databases (+ 9 abstracts in WoS).

14 Scopus Researcher ID Балмагамбетова С.К. – 57189685411; Тлегенова Ж.Ш. – 57209708424.
15 WoS Researcher ID Балмагамбетова С.К. – AAR-2511-2020
16 H-index Балмагамбетова С.К. Scopus 3.0; WoS – 2.0.
17 ВНК 1. Жолдин Бекболат Кулжанович, к.м.н. – профессор кафедры ВБ-2,



2. Балмагамбетова Сауле Кабиевна, Ph.D. – доцент кафедры онкологии, руководитель проекта, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4080-5383;

3. Курманалина Гульнар Лукпановна, к.м.н. – руководитель кафедры ВБ-2, координатор проекта, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0937-2949;

4. Койшыбаев Арип Кубекович, к.м.н. – руководитель кафедры онкологии, координатор проекта, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6164-8009;

5. Талипова Илиада Жаксыбаевна, к.м.н. – доцент кафедры ВБ-2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5450-7056;

6. Тлегенова Женисгуль Шимбулатовна, Ph.D. – доцент кафедры ВБ-2, координатор проекта, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3707-7365;

7. Баспаева Мира Булатовна, к.м.н. – врач-химиотерапевт МЦ ЗКМУ им. М. Оспанова, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6361-4841;

8. Кубенова Кульпаршин Ивановна – зав. лабораторией МЦ ЗКМУ, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2018-6733;

9. Нурманова Динара Спартаковна – ассистент кафедры ВБ-2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7543-7587;

10. Мадинова Сауле Сагандыковна – врач-химиотерапевт МЦ ЗКМУ им. М. Оспанова.

1. Zholdin Bekbolat Kulzhanovich, Ph.D. – Professor of the department VB-2,


2. Balmagambetova Saule Kabievna, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology, Project Manager, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4080-5383;

3. Kurmanalina Gulnar Lukpanovna, Ph.D. – Head of the department VB-2, Project Coordinator, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0937-2949;

4. Koishybaev Arip Kubekovich, Ph.D. – Head of the Department of Oncology, Project Coordinator, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6164-8009;

5. Talipova Iliada Zhaksybaevna, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of the Department of VB-2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5450-7056;

6. Tlegenova Zhenisgul Shimbulatovna, Ph.D. – Associate Professor of the Department of VB-2, Project Coordinator, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3707-7365;

7. Baspaeva Mira Bulatovna, Ph.D. – Chemotherapist at University’s Medical Center, http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6361-4841;

8. Kubenova Kulparshin Ivanovna – Head of Lab at University’s Medical Center, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2018-6733;

9. Nurmanova Dinara Spartakovna – Assistant Professor of the Department VB-2, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7543-7587;

10. Madinova Saule Sagandykovna – Chemotherapist at University’s Medical Center.

18 Публикации по проекту Обзорная статья:Ж. Тлегенова, Б. Жолдин, Г. Гендлин, С. Балмагамбетова, Г.Курманалина, И. Талипова. Прогностический потенциал тропонина в диагностике кардиотоксичности при химиотерапии антрациклинами и моноклональными антителами у больных раком молочной железы. Наука и Здравоохранение, 2021. №5(23). стр. 132-148.  



Балмагамбетова С.К., Тлегенова Ж.Ш., Уразаев О.Н., Уразова А.К., Нурманова   Д.С., Султанбекова Г.А. Кардиотоксичность препаратов, используемых в лечении

рака молочной железы (по данным Актюбинского онкоцентра за 2018-2019 годы). Сборник тезисов VIII съезда онкологов и радиологов Казахстана с международным участием 14-16 октября 2021 года, г. Туркестан. №106; 73-74. 

DOI: 10.52532/2521-6414-2021-14-16/10-VIII-congress-of-oncologists@radiologists-of-kazakhstan.


Zhenisgul Sh. Tlegenova, Saule K. Balmagambetova, Bekolat K. Zholdin, Gulnara L. Kurmanalina, Iliada Zh. Talipova, Аrip K. Koyshybaev, Ainel K. Urazova, Dinara S.   Nurmanova, Olzhas N. Urazayev, Gulmira A. Sultanbekova, Kulparshan I. Kubenova, Mira B. Baspayeva. A first approach to identifying cardiotoxic effects of Breast cancer chemotherapeutic treatment in Kazakhstan. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan

19 Доклады на конференциях “Кардиотоксичность препаратов, используемых в лечениирака молочной железы (по данным Актюбинского онкоцентра за 2018-2019 годы)”.


На VIII съезде онкологов и радиологов Казахстана с международным участием 14-16 октября 2021 года, г. Туркестан. 

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