Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology
JIRB H-Index

2013 Volume 1 Issue 1

A Study of the Glycoconjugates Distribution of Umbilical Cord; a Lectin Histochemical Study

Tahereh Talaei-Khozani, Zahra Vojdani, Elham Aliabadi


The Effects of Cadmium Pollution on Female Rat Reproductive System

Maliheazaman Monsefi


2013 Volume 1 Issue 2

A Review of Underlying Causes of Maternal Deaths in Benue North Central Nigeria

Alobo GI, Ochejele S, Ngwan SD



Alpha deposit into blood: A new method to evaluate infertility of women by measuring the level of LH, FSH and HCG

Najeba F. Salih, Mohamad S. Jaafar



Association between Maternal Serum Inhibin A and Chromosomal Abnormalities as a Diagnostic Markers in First Trimester of Threatened Abortion

Mohamed Gamal, Neveen A. Ashaat, Sayed Bakry, Ahmed Abdullah, Mohamed Farahat, Zaki T. Zaki



Etiology, investigation and treatment of Human men’s infertility




Physiological Correlation between Sperm Motility and Seminal Plasma Composition in the Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus

Mohammad Sadegh Aramli, Mohammad Reza Kalbassi, Rajabmohammad Nazari



Restraint stress and lead-induced reduction in progeny output by male rats

  1. Hari Priya, B.P. Girish, P. Sreenivasula Reddy



The Histomorphometric Effects of Maternal Diabetes on Rat Offspring’s Ovaries at the Puberty

Zabiholla Khaksar, Gholamali Jelodar, Hooman Hematian, Mohamad Poorahmadi


2013 Volume 1 Issue 3

2013 Volume 1 Issue 3


Efficacy of rescue ICSI after total fertilization failure in conventional IVF

Maryam Eftekhar, Soheila Pourmasumi, Mohammad-Hossein Razi



Knowledge and Practice of Prostate Health of Men in the Work Place

Adesanya O.A, Shittu L.A.J, Awobajo F.O, Otulana O.J, Adesanya R.A


2013 Volume 1 Issue 4

Prevention of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

Harpreet Kaur



Serodynamic of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection in Women with in Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer Failures

Ibadin KO, Osemwenkha AP


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