Journal of Infertility and Reproductive Biology
JIRB H-Index

2022 Volume 10 Issue 1

Comparison of Embryo Transfer Techniques in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Cycles

Sarah Ligon, Jose Roble, Kimberly Chaffin, Bruce Pier, Gary Levy



Comparison of Sperm Indices Selected Markers of Oxidative Stress and Sex Hormones among Males with Primary and Secondary Infertility in Osogbo, Nigeria

Mathias Abiodun Emokpae, Muyiwa Adeleye Moronkeji



Semen Quality Parameters in Male Partners of Infertile Couples and Their Correlation with Socio-demographic Features in Rural Tertiary Care Center of Southern India: An Observational Study

Naina Kumar, Amit Kant Singh



Stringency in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Criteria and Application in Clinical Study

Catherine P. Ward, Heather Huddleston, Umesh Masharani, Ashley E. Mason, Lynda Frassetto


2022 Volume 10 Issue 2

Association between Seminal Plasma Creatine Kinase Activity and Body Mass Index among Males Investigated for Infertility

Elizabeth Moyinoluwa Babatunde, Mathias Abiodun Emokpae



Carbon Disulfide (CS2) Exposure and Human Reproductive Health- A Narrative Overview

Anupama Sharma, Suman Choudhary, Bharat Patel, Sunil Kumar



Comparison between Sperm Preparation before Cryopreservation and Post-Thawing Sperm Preparation using Density Gradient Centrifugation in Normozoospermic Semen Samples

Lionel Wildy Moungala



Effect of Tobacco Usage Through Smoking, Chewing, Environmental/Secondhand Tobacco Smoke on Human Reproduction, Pregnancy, or its Outcome-A Descriptive Overview

Sunil Kumar



Gross Reproductive Organs Abnormalities in Bulls of Northern Regions of Cameroon

Justin Kouamo, Gana Verine Tamukum Nyonga


2022 Volume 10 Issue 3

Comparative Effects of Azanza garckeana Fruit Pulp and Melatonin on Chronic Bisphenol A- evoked Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Semen Parameters Changes in Rabbit Bucks

Itodo Joy Iyojo, Rekwot Peter Ibrahim, Aluwong Tagang, Allam Lushaikyaa, Ayo Joseph Olusegun, Ogbuagu Ngozi Ejum and Adewuyi Bode Abdulmujeeb



Interaction of Parasitemia, Haemato-Biochemical Indices and Gross Reproductive Pathology of Rabbit Bucks Infected with Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei

Imaben Grace Opaluwa-Kuzayed, Stanley David Oziegbe, Francis Elisha Sa’Ayinzat



Male Infertility: Etiology and Evaluation

Rizwan Ali Lakho, Ufaque Batool K. Samo, Reema Samo, Khushboo Jawed



Pericentric Inversion of Chromosome 9 in a Non-Consanguineous Couple with Spontaneous Abortions

Rashmi Talwar, Kanika Gaur, Priya, Sabir Ansari, Sanjeet Kumar



Subcutaneous Infiltration of Gentamycin Saline Solution to Reduce Rates of Cesarean Section Surgical Site Infection in Primigravidas Scheduled for Elective Cesarean Section

Mostafa Abdulla Elsayed Mahmoud


2022 Volume 10 Issue 4

Structural, Physiological, Biochemical and Biotechnological Aspects of Mammalian Spermatozoa: An Overview

Ritika Saxena, Sanjay Mishra, Amit Kumar Mani Tiwari, Priyanka Nayak, S.K. Chauhan



Testicular/ Epididymal Morphometry of Rabbit Bucks Experimentally Infected with Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei.

Imaben Grace Opaluwa-Kuzayed, Francis Elisha Sa’Ayinzat, Stanley David Oziegbe



The Preservative Effect of Pineapple Juice on Chilled Bull Semen

Mbiba Hassanu, Pierrette Ngo Bahebeck, Nsadzetsen Gilbert Adzemye, Elvis Ndzi Ndukong, Isabelle Leinyuy Nyuysemo, Hakoueu Flora


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