
Марат Оспанов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан медицина университеті


“On conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks in the “West Kazakhstan Medical University M.Ospanov” (19.03.2025)

Based on the Implementation of TBN No. 4, approved by the First Deputy Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the schedule for conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as IACR) in subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan is set for March 2025.

In pursuance of the roadmap, the “M.Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University” (hereinafter referred to as the University) is scheduled to begin conducting an internal analysis of corruption risks from April 11, 2025. Internal analysis of corruption risks is recommended to be carried out within a period not exceeding 30 working days.

The main purpose of the WACR is to identify and study the causes and conditions that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses at the University.

Internal analysis of corruption risks at the University is carried out by a working group created by the decision (Order) of the Chairman of the Board-Rector.

The main direction of the analysis of corruption risks are: Analysis of legal acts and internal documents regulating the activities of the University and its organizational and managerial activities for the presence of corruption risks. The main direction of the analysis of corruption risks are: Analysis of legal acts and internal documents regulating the activities of the University and its organizational and managerial activities for the presence of corruption risks.

Heads of structural divisions and University staff should assist the working group on the identification and elimination of corruption risks.

Compliance Officer                                R. Sugralin

Dear Faculty Members and staff!

The Personnel Development Department informs about the certification of the teaching staff in accordance with the "Regulations on the certification of teaching staff and researchers of the NAO WKMU named after Marat Ospanov" On WKMU 04-08 dated 04/24/2024, according to the schedule (April 14, 21, 2025), the next certification will take place.

For additional questions, please contact: Main Building, Personnel Development Department, Office 105.

1)  The list of teaching staff to be certified in the 2024-2025 academic year
2)  Regulations on the certification of the teaching staff and researchers of the NAO «West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M.Ospanov»
3)  Statement
4)  List of documents provided for certification (in the official / Russian language)
5)  Progress report

Dear Faculty Members!

The Department of Scientific and Analytical Work announces a competition for the annual award "Best Researcher" of NAO "ZKMU named after M. Ospanov" in order to encourage members of the faculty who have contributed to the development of science at the university. The competition will be held in accordance with the regulation "Best Researcher" of "ZKMU named after M. Ospanov" (No. 9 dated March 3, 2025).
Applications for participation in the competition are accepted via a link in electronic format until March 30, 2025: https://forms.gle/4BBUSH6rmmzBGsJF7

The scientific achievements of the nominee for the award will be assessed according to the following indicators:

1) possession of an academic degree recognized in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) possession of an academic title awarded by an authorized body;

3) management of scientific projects and programs in the chosen scientific field;

4) the presence and quality of scientific results in the chosen scientific field (articles or reviews in peer-reviewed journals, domestic and foreign monographs, chapters in monographs, patents, etc.);

5) the presence of articles in prestigious international peer-reviewed journals in the chosen scientific field in collaboration with leading foreign scientists;

6) teaching one or more disciplines in higher education institutions;

7) training of personnel who have been awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Doctor of Science in the relevant field;

8) confirmed results of scientific and scientific-technical activities for implementation in production;

9) public work aimed at improving the quality, effectiveness and impact of scientific research.


Winners of the “Best Scientific Worker of the University” and “Best Teacher of the University” prizes, as well as the winners of the republican competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the categories “Best Scientific Worker” and “Best Teacher”, are not eligible to participate in the competition for 5 years.

Competition Regulations;
Sample application form for candidates.

Responsible persons:

Mambetzhanova А.M. – Tel.: 87059173994

Abdirzak K.B. – Tel.: 87781587810

Dear Graduates Studying Under the State Grant!

A meeting will be held with a representative of JSC «Financial Center» (speaker, leading specialist Akzira Serikkali) to clarify issues regarding distribution, employment, and mandatory work for citizens who have studied under the state grant program.

Date: March 11.

Time: 3:00 PM.

Location: A.Dosjanova Conference Hall.

Attendance of graduates is strictly mandatory!

Schedule of certification of the teaching staff of the NAO «West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov» for the 2024-2025 academic year


Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate in the training seminar on "Fundamentals of Research Design and Statistical Analysis",
which will be held from February 24 to 28, 2025.

Dear graduates of the Bachelor's, Internship, Master's, and Residency programs!

If you are planning to continue your education in a Master's or Doctoral program, we invite you to attend the meeting «Steps to Success: The Path to Master's and Doctoral Studies».
The aim of this meeting is to guide you on the path to science, which, as J.W. Goethe said, «Science is the true advantage of man». We will tell you about the Master's and Doctoral programs at our university, answer all your questions, and share important information about the learning process.
Date and time: February 12th at 14:00, in the Academic Council Hall. We will be happy to see you there!
Organizers: Center for Master's, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral Studies.


Regional panel discussion
Communication: +7-702-907-78-93, omnid@zkgmu.kz
Format: offline and online
Date and time: 14:00 February 28, 2025

Invites you to participate in the international conference
«Current Aspects of evidence-based medicine and HPV vaccination: scientific evidence and practice» (12.02.2025)

The purpose: To unite the efforts of scientists, doctors, health experts and representatives of international organizations to improve the quality of medical care and prevent HPV-related diseases.

Conference Speakers:

Dilara Radikova Kaidarova, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, First Vice-rector of KazNMU named after S.Asfendiyarov (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

Vlasov Vasily Viktorovich, is a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Health Management and Economics at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia).

Aimagambetova Gulzhanat Nuratdinovna, Professor at Nazarbayev University, national master trainer in HPV vaccination, WHO representative (Astana, Kazakhstan).

Iztleuov Yerbolat Maratovich, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief oncologist of the region, ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov (Aktobe, Kazakhstan).

Dmitry Shek, PhD, Specialist in the Department of Oncology and Hematology, Blacktown Hospital (Sydney, Australia).

The conference brings together leading experts in the field of oncology, vaccination and evidence-based medicine from different countries.

Format: online.                                            

To connect to the Zoom conference: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2507599861?pwd=U0zzonve94eRDbvXVgyyC5rXCns8kg.1&omn=86828366353

Time: February 12, 2025 10:00 a.m. Kazakhstan time.

Conference ID: 250 759 9861

Access code: 02074815.

Date: February 12, 2025.

Location of the event: Department of Evidence-based Medicine and Scientific Management.

The conference will be attended by representatives of the scientific and medical community, including doctors, epidemiologists, oncologists, obstetricians and gynecologists, as well as experts in the field of evidence-based medicine and public health.

Students who have expressed a desire to participate in the competition to study at the military department
at the NAO «West Kazakhstan Medical University named after M.Ospanov» can apply in the prescribed form at the military department. (31.01.2025)

To do this, you must be registered in the military register at the RSU «Joint Directorate for Defense of the Astana and Almaty districts» (Military Commissariat) of Aktobe (for all questions, please contact: Maresyeva 72, office 26, call 54-16-92, 56-04-09).

Students of universities studying full-time are allowed to participate in the competition for training citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan aged no older than 24 years for the year of the competition, who do not have a criminal record. For training under the reserve officer training program, documents are accepted from first-year (4-year) and second-year (5-year) students; For training under the reserve sergeants training program, documents are accepted from students of the first, second (with 4 years of study) and first, second and third years (with 5 years of study).

The competition for the selection of students to study at the military department is carried out in four stages:

Stage 1 — passing a medical examination to determine suitability for training at the military department at the RSU Joint Directorate for Defense Affairs of Astana and Almaty districts (Military Commissariat) of Aktobe;

Stage 2 — conducting professional psychological testing;

Stage 3 — physical fitness check.

Stage 4 is a competitive selection carried out in accordance with the calculation of the rating score.

The training is conducted using the military day method 1 time per week. The duration of training for reserve officers is 2 years (tuition is paid), the military rank of reserve lieutenant is awarded. For reserve sergeants 1 year, the military rank of junior sergeant of the reserve is awarded (training is paid).

Applications from students to participate in the competition will be accepted from February 12, 2024 after they register for military service in Aktobe.

The list of documents for participation in the competitive selection:

  1. Identity card (original and copy).
  2. Certificate of registration or military ID (original and copy).
  3. 2 photos of 3x4 cm in size.
  4. Certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record

A certificate of the student's actual education at the university, signed by the dean of the faculty.

Initiation into students (24.01.2025)

We invite students of the 1st year of the International Medical Faculty to the student Initiation ceremony!

Information for applicants to the master's program (21.01.2025)

Center for Master’s, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies informs that there have been changes and additions dated May 3, 2024 in the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 № 600 «On approval of the Model Regulations for admission to studies in educational organization, implementing educational programs of technical and vocational education».

Paragraph 4. Enrollment in educational organizations that implement postgraduate education programs, subparagraph 30.

«Applicants with at least five years of experience in a leadership position in accordance with the roster of positions of political and administrative civil servants, the roster of positions of civil servants in relevant fields or at least ten years of experience in the relevant profile of a specialized master's degree educational program shall be enrolled on a fee basis based on the results of the interview conducted by OHPE admission boards».

Сompetition on awarding of vacant educational grants is declared (15.12.2025)

A competition is announced for students studying on a paid basis for the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining higher education. All students studying on a paid basis automatically participate in the competition. The Platonus program independently calculates the GPA of students who study on a paid basis, so no documents need to be submitted. The students with the highest GPA will be selected from all fee-paying students.

The vacancy of the state educational grant in the Republic of Kazakhstan is submitted on a competitive basis in accordance with the order of the Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education dated August 25, 2023 №443.


The number of vacant places for an educational grant at the moment:

1st course - 1 place in the specialty "Medicine"

1st course - 1 place in the specialty "Pediatrics"

2nd course - 1 place in the specialty "Medicine"

3nd course - 1 place in the specialty "Medicine"

1nd course - 1 place in the specialty "Public health"

Due to the lack of vacancies, there will be no competition for other courses.

We invite you to a seminar on the topic «Legal protection and legal responsibility of medical professionals.
Insurance of professional liability of medical workers. The order of work of the independent expert commission»! (08.01.2025)

On January 22-23, the Institute for the Study of Medical Law invites doctors and surgeons, pharmacists and experts, paramedics and obstetricians, nurses and laboratory assistants, managers and auditors, as well as specialists in human resources, legal, financial services and other healthcare professionals to participate in the seminar.

Two-day classes (3 hours each) are held in the form of a lecture-seminar using presentations, case studies, references to legislative acts, questions and answers, with consideration of problematic legal situations on the following topics.

On day 1: Ways and means of legal protection of medical and pharmaceutical workers, including: protection from external attacks (beatings, insults, slander, conflict situations) and from the employer (non-statutory relations), protection in cases of medical error, protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, reasonable risk, extreme necessity, protection in criminal proceedings, protection from other offenses. Protection from conflict. Insurance of professional liability of medical workers. The working procedure of the independent expert commission.

On day 2: Types of legal liability of medical and pharmaceutical workers. «Medical error». Criminal liability for crimes related to the provision of medical care (Articles 317-323 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). «Medical secrecy». Administrative and legal responsibility (articles of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan). Civil liability of medical workers. Disciplinary responsibility of medical workers. Labor disputes. The specifics of providing medical care to underage patients, as well as in the field of reproductive health. Illegal abortions. Medical documentation (issuance and extension of a temporary disability certificate or certificate, death certificate, etc.).

Time and venue: January 22 and 23 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the main building of the university. The cost of participation in the two-day seminar for the 1st student is 10,000 (ten thousand) tenge. Payment must be made by transferring the specified amount to the university’s account according to the application Kaspi.kz.

At the end of the seminar, participants will be provided with a handout and certificates. The Institute will also consider the issue of conducting seminars at the workplace for all medical personnel of the organization. The lectures are conducted personally by the head of the Institute, T.Zhumagazin. For questions about participation in the seminar, please contact Talgat Zhumagazin, head of the Institute.

Phone: 8-701-521-5007. Email address: t.b.zhumagazin@gmail.com