Infectious exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
L.M. Tulegenova
Influence of nonsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and protein-deficient diet on oxidative metabolism of growing animals
V.V. Koikov
Features of per oxidation of lipids of rat cells combined action of 6 gr gamma-radiation and cement dust
O.Z. Ilderbayev
Improvement of method of laser therapy in experiment
A.A. Taganiazova
Role of social questionnaire of patients in improvement of their treatment quality
B.Zh. Bainazarov, Е.Т. Umbetaliyev
Pharmacotherapeutic ground of eradication therapy in patients with duodenal peptic ulcer
S.S. Kurmangaliyeva
Treatment of benign nodular formation of thyroid gland by method of sparing therapy
A.M. Raissova, J.B. Yegembayeva
Investigation of vegetative and psychoemotional state in children with perinatal damage of central nervous system
A.R. Kashkinbayeva
Regional lymphostimulation and lymphotropic antibiotic therapy in complex treatment of children with pyoinflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region
B.S. Janalina
Clinical effectiveness of the substitutive hormonotherapy in women in postmenopause
Surgical treatment of fracture of the condylar plateau and tibia
A.M. Zhanaspayev, Ga. Zhanaspayeva
Use of Leuzea carthamoides tincture during treatment of alcoholic patients with depressive syndrome
R.S. Djumatova, G.D. Tanabergenova, A.N. Ibatov, S.M. Beketova, K.S. Baisultanova, M.S. Syrazhanov, Sb. Imandossova
Age features of detection of receptors of epidermal factor of growth in patients with endometrial carcinoma
L.T. Kozgambayeva, Е Zh Bekmukhambetov
Clinical value of EGF receptors in patients with endometrial carcinoma
L.T. Kozgambayeva, E.Zh. Bekmukhambetov
Device for intraextramedullar blocking osteosynthesis of extraarticular fracture of proximal part of thigh
A.M. Janaspayev, G.A. Janaspayev, A.B. Sultangereyev
Safety measure of donor’s blood and its components
R.F. Bektubayev
Dynamic of fundamental medicodemographic figures in aktobe region
I.B. Kehjebayeva, N.N. Tsuk, A.J. Seitova, U.J. Krambayev
Questions connected with spreading of HIV/AIDS in Aktobe region
I.B. Kenzhebayeva, Aj. Seitova, G.Zh. Kinzhenbetova
Game motive as effective method of integrative technology of training at clinical faculties
Т.М. Ukybassova, B. Zh. Imankulova
Quality of higher education: systematic problem
G.N. Kismanova, S.D. Daurenbekova, A.Zh. Shanbai, K.Zh.Sagynbayeva, Gt. Asauova, N.D. Yermukhanbetova
Estimation of peculiarities of formation of population health living on territories of minimal radiation risk zone
Zh.T. Moldagaliyeva, B.V. Galich, B.K. Kazbekov, B.Kh. Aliyev, В.В. Shwartz
Morbidity of digestive organs in condition of industrial city
А.А. Mamyrbayev, M.S. Zhumagaziyeva, B.V. Zasorin, Z.Zh. Akbalayeva
Analysis of cancerigenic effects of chronic irradiation of population living on radiation contaminated territories
Zh.T. Moldagaliyeva, B.V. Galitch, D.Sh. Shagiyeva, L.M. Pivina
Analysis of the morbidity with temporal disablement of employees of the ferrochrome production
Ma. Kamaliyev, N.M. Shumbalov, At. Abenova, La. Fursenko
Perculiarities of clinical course of men chronic prostatitis living in the intensive oil and gas production region
О.М. Kurmangaliyev
Dynamics of cellular composition changes of lymphoid tissue of tracheobronchial lymph node in chronic intoxication
T.J. Umbetov, A.I. Mannapova
Some aspects of eth1opatogenesis panspermia of men living in the intensive oil gas condensate production region
О.М. Kurmangaliyev
Modern methods of rheumatism treatment
M.N. Turebayev, М.В. Zhalymbetova, L.A. Zhusupbekova, D.K. Tungatarova
Polypragmasy in diabetes mellitus of type ii
I.J. Talipova, В.К. Zholdin, S.A. Seitmagambetova, K.Z. Nurjanova, J.M. Tajigulova
Treatment of allergic dermatitis in outpatient setting and steady-state conditions
A.D. Kurkembayeva, G.A. Orazbayeva, G.A. Suiyeukhanova
Use of amirobinl preparation in respiratory distress syndrome
Suiyeukhanova, А.В. Utemissova, A.D. Kurkembayeva, G.A. Orazbayva, T.R. Orynbassarova
Bacterial vaginos in pregnant women
K.E. Apilzhanova
Treatment of patients with asthma in in-patient setting
Аа. Ekibayeva, K.E. Sariyeva, N.N. Mukanova, R.G. Khabibulina, At. Yesserkepova, K.M. Yerimbetova, K.U. Shaimardinova, A.M. Brimbetova, D.S. Dyusupova, S.D. Safina, S.I. Ilyubayev, R.Hk. Esmakanova
Use of encefabol preparation during treatment of hypoxic and ischemic encephalopathy in newborns
G.S. Orazbayeva, A.I. Kukembayeva, G.A. Suiyeukhanova
Actual problems of diagnosis and treatment of cardiological patients (data from the congress of the European society of cardiology, Vienna, September, 2007)
В.К. Zholdin
А.В. Baijarktnova