West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
WKMJ H-Index

2015 Volume 45 Issue 1

Modern aspects of diagnostics and treatment of neonatal hepatitis

B.T. Tusupkaliyev



Relationships of growth factors with the clinical laboratory indices in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Ye.B. Komarova



Methodological role of philosophy of education in the educational process

A.T. Tayzhanov



Human papilloma virus and human papilloma virus vaccines

Ibrahim A. Abdelazim, Mohannad Abu-Faza, M. Hussain, G.A. Zhurabekova, A.D. Balmagambetova, S.S. Zhumagulova, A.N. Kalkenova



Indicators of glomerular filtration in different arterial hypertension

A.S. Akhmetova, K.K. Tokbayeva, N.A. Uzbekbayeva, Zh. K. Bazarbayeva, A.M. Mansharipova, K.A.Akbergen, Zh. S. Karatayeva



Indicators of glomerular filtration in different arterial hypertension

A.S. Akhmetova, K.K. Tokbayeva, N.A. Uzbekbayeva, Zh. K. Bazarbayeva, A.M. Mansharipova, K.A.Akbergen, Zh. S. Karatayeva



Urgent resection of the small intestine

Yu.I. Mazur, Yu.Z. Blikharskiy



Current problems of chemical safety of urban areas in modern conditions

A.A. Mamyrbayev



Current problems of chemical safety of urban areas in modern conditions

A.A. Mamyrbayev



Significance of anthropometric indicators in assessment the formation of an organism under the influence of external factors

A.B. Zhanabayeva, S.B. Rakhmanov



Successful surgical treatment of zenker’s diverticulum with stenosis of the upper third of the cervical esophagus

B.S. Zhakiyev, Zh.O. Abdi, M.S. Kelimberdiyev R.A. Sharipov, A.A. Bazarbay



Laparascopic surgery experience in children by percutaneous puncture herniorrhaphy method

V.I. Kotlobovskyi, B.K. Dzhenalayev, A.M. Baymenov, A.B. Tusupkaliyev, Zh.T. Baubekov, K.Zh. Satybaldiyev



Political significance of privatization process in the republic of Kazakhstan

B.А. Moldin


2015 Volume 46 Issue 2

Prevalence and structure of congenital heart defects in children of the aktobe oblast

K.B. Abdrakhmanov, N.N. Kojin, S.P. Dosmagambetov, S.V. Kim, O.S. Dmitruk



Relationship of testosterone level to tobacco smoking

M.K. Alchinbayev, I.T. Mukhamedzhan, A.T. Aubakirova, M.A. Makazhanov, K.A. Maskutov, I.B. Mansurova



Level of sperm DNA fragmentation in men with pathozoospermia

M.K. Alchinbayev, L.N. Tuleyeva, S.M. Duisenbayeva, L.M. Naimi



The study of urologists’ opinion on the problem of erectile dysfunction and pde-5 inhibitors

F.R. Asfandiyarov, S.V. Vybornov



The influence of oily extracts made from medicinal raw plant material on induced mutagenesis

Ye.Zh. Bekmukhambetov. A.A. Mamyrbayev, M.K. Iztleuov, T.A. Jarkenov, A.M. Baspakova, G.M. Iztleuova



Nutritional status characteristics of adolescents of Aktobe oblast

S.K. Bermagambetova, T.K. Karimov, A.N. Zinaliyeva, A.B. Nagmetova, L.U. Niyazalina



State of physical health of infants with cytomegalovirus infection

N.S. Bozhbanbayeva, I.M. Adilbekova, G.B. Altynbayeva, T.K. Supiyev, N.G. Negametziyanov, D.O. Atezhanov, A.U. Izimov



On the problem of prolonged neonatal jaundice

N.S. Bozhbanbayeva, K.A. Umesheva, T.Sh. Mustaphazade, G.B. Altynbayeva, G.А. Mukhambetova, М.Ye. Амаntayeva, S.A. Yesenova , J.T. Apselenov



Physical and reproductive status of adolescents in aktobe

Zh.B. Dosimov, G.M. Kulniyazova, L.V. Dolotova, A. Amanzholkyzy, A.N. Seipenova, A.Zh. Dosimov, Kh.I. Kudabayeva, S.M. Yessenamanova, S.A. Tubulbayeva



Research results of reasons unmaturing of pregnancy

S.U. Zhanabayeva, L.K. Bainiyazova, A.A. Iskendir, B.D. Kulanova, M.K. Seipulova, K.K. Shortanbayeva, A.A. Tokbergenova



Comparative analysis between medical and instrumental methods of induced termination of pregnancy

  1. U. Znanabayeva, M.A. Almuratova, P.A. Baymoldina, Zh.M. Kemazanova, G.J. Utasheva



The study of contraceptive knowledge level in the sphere of reproductive behavior among girl students of the universities of Karaganda city

S.U. Zhanabayeva, M.B. Sharipova, K.K. Iliyeva, G.Zh. Munaydarova, Zh.D. Turlubekova



Clinical and laboratory criteria of viral hepatitis in preterm infants

G.D. Zhumagaliyeva, M.A. Mamyrbayeva, K.B. Abdrakhmanov



Features of the immune adaptation in infants born to mothers infected with cytomegalovirus infection

А.К. Zhumalina, B.Т. Tusupkaliyev, J.А. Zame, А.B. Iliyasova



Evaluation of induced mutagenesis under the influence of chromium, boron and its correction

M.K. Iztleuov, T.S. Abilov, Ye.M. Iztleuov



Behavioral risk factors of the acquisition of sexually transmitted infections among young people

Ye.N. Islamov, N.O. Tsoy, A.I. Bayev, M.Kh.Dzhusupgalieva, B.S.Zhusupov



Social origin, sexual behavior in women commercial sex workers

Ye.N. Islamov, N.O. Tsoy, A.I. Bayev, M.Kh. Dzhusupgaliyeva, A.A. Taubaeva, I.V. Vuiko, G.M. Tonkonogova, Sh.G. Аbdrashitov, O.Y. Paley, K.T. Anapiyaeva



The use of multispiral computed tomography in erectile dysfunction

N.M. Kadyrbekov



The three-dimensional ultrasound imaging of the prostate

N.M. Kadyrbekov, A.A. Muravyev



Morphofunctional changes in reproductive function of male germ cells of experimental animals in a single irradiation with gamma rays

K.M. Kibatayev, I.N. Nasirov, T.A. Sultanov, G.A. Mutigulina, V.G. Manukov, G.M. Urgishbayeva, S.I. Nasirov



Presence of lPS/0 antigen intestinal infections in circulating immune complexes in patients with hiv infection at the stage of secondary diseases

Ye.G. Korogodskaya, K.T. Umbetova, O.F. Belaya, O.A. Payevskaya, Ye.V. Volchkova



Perinatal outcomes of births with intrauterine fetal growth retardation

I.L. Kopobayeva, K.A. Borovskaya, M.S. Velikanova



Experimental evaluation of efficiency of mesenchymal stromal cells received from cadaveric bone marrow

О.М. Кurmangaliyev, B.V. Zasorin, I.N. Nasirov, А.А. Belyshev



Dynamic observation of biochemical parameters of liver failure in intrauterine infections

M.A. Mamyrbaeva, A.K. Zhylkybekova, G.D. Zhumagalieva



Vaginal fluid urea and creatinine for diagnosis of premature rupture of membranes

Mohammed Hussain Mostafa



Course of pregnancy and labor with asymptomatic bacteriuria

Sh.P. Otarbayeva, A.Zh. Abdygaliyeva, L.S. Appazova, S.I. Mayevskaya



The reproductive health of women employed in chrome production

K.Zh. Sakiyeva



Reproductive dysfunction in workers under the influence of natural gas condensate

M.N. Sarkulov, Ye.A. Kumayev



Vaginal birth after cesarean section

L.K. Sarsembayeva, Zh.T. Yeshimbayeva, A.A. Shangarayeva, S.A. Asembay



Research of the psychological status of teenagers of aktobe city

A.T. Syssenova, G.S. Zhumaliyeva, Zh.B. Dosimov, A.Zh. Dosimov, G.M. Kulniyazova



Medical abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy

А.B. Tusupkaliyev, А.Zh. Aypeisova, А.М. Merekeyeva, L.S. Uteniyazova, B.M. Keldibayeva



Markers of hemostasis dysfunction in pregnant women with arterial hypertension

A.B. Tusupkaliyev, S.N. Ryzhkova, S.S. Zhumagulova, A.N. Gayday



Immunological aspects of intrauterine infection in newborns with low birth weight

B.T. Tusupkaliyev, A.K. Zhumalina, B.A. Zhekeyeva, R.M. Baizhanova



Perinatal losses from congenital malformations in ecologically unfavorable region

B.T. Tusupkaliyev, A.K. Zhumalina, M.B. Zharylkasynova, Sh.T. Syrymbetova



The influence of combined chromium and boron action on spermatogenesis

T.Zh. Umbetov, Ye.Zh. Bekmukhambetov, A.А. Mamyrbayev, T.А. Jarkenov, А.I. Korvat, A.M. Baspakova



The peculiarities of adaptive and reparative changes of the reproductive system organs of the mammals in condition of the influence negative factors of the environment (experience of the ecological-morphological monitoring)

N.N. Shevlyuk, D.A. Bokov, Ye.V. Blinova, L.L. Dyomina, O.A. Meshkova



Catamnesis of children born to mothers with cytomegalovirus infection

S.Yu. Shikanova, L.A. Yeraliyeva, N.Kh. Ongarbayeva



Partnership childbirth as a psychological pledge of safe childbirth

S.Yu. Shikanova, Sh.М. Yеlemesova, В.Yu. Nyu



The elective “cheerleading” component as one of health saving educational technologies in a higher educational institution of a medical profile

M.M. Bobyreva



Health-saving educational technologies in study of childhood infections

G.D. Zhumagaliyeva, S.K. Shalekenova



On realization of the state program of health-care development in the republic of Kazakhstan «Salamatty Kazakhstan» for 2011-2015

I.B. Kenzhebayeva, G.A. Umarova


2015 Volume 47 Issue 3

Spiritual heritage for young people (thinking about heritage of Kazakh khans)

A.Т. Tayzhanov



Doses of external irradiation of population of Aktobe region from natural sources of the ionizing radiation

K.M. Kibatayev, G.A. Mutigulina, B.K. Yelaman, A.A. Mamyrbayev, Zh.Sh. Madikhan, V.G. Manukov



Physical development as criterion for evaluation of rational feeding of children

N.I. Zryachkin, T.V. Yelizarova



Interrelationship between inflammatory periodontal diseases and systemic pathology

M.A. Kurmanalina, R.M. Uraz



Demand for city’s emergency medical services

O.N. Joldybayeva, K.K. Kaldybayev



Istanbul, capital of anatomy in 2015: the XXIVth international symposium on morphological sciences (ISMS) (a report)

Diogo Pais


2015 48 4


Science and scientist

N.I. Izimbergenov



The cooperation agreement between the university of L’Aquila, Italy and the Marat Ospanov West-Kazakhstan State Medical University, the republic of Kazakhstan: a successful story from academy to bench

Palmerini Maria Grazia, Gulmira Zhurabekova, Yeltay Rakhmanov, Aru Balmagambetova, Sapargali Rakhmanov, Albore Marco, Cerquozzi Federica, Coccia Alberto, De Berardinis Luca, Marchetti Giorgia, Stefania Annarita Nottola, Macchiarelli Guido



Infant outcome in preterm pregnancies with absent umbilical end diastolic flow

Florence Murila, Robertson Marcus, Moses M. Obimbo, Victor Yu, Wallace Euan



Morphokinetic analysis of pre-implantation embryos in assisted reproduction program

Khalili Mohammad A., Faramarzi Azita, Palmerini Maria Grazia, Macchiarelli Guido



Modern views on the problem of polypoid rhinosinusitis

B.A. Zhapalakov, V.V. Zheleznova, E.K. Ismagulova



Ovarian reserve markers of women living in the aral sea area

G.A. Zhurabekova, A.D.Balmagambetova, S.S. Zhumagulova, A.M. Kuschanova, I.A. Abdelazim



Features of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients with diabetes mellitus under conditions of aktobe regional tb dispensary

Ye.U. Tulemisov, Kh.I. Kudabayeva, Ye.Sh. Bazargaliyev, R.N. Kosmuratova



Congenital malformations in newborns

B.T. Tusupkaliyev, A.K. Zhumalina, M.B. Zharlykasinova, Zh.S. Kuttymuratova



Epidemiology of human papillomavirus in women of Aktobe region

G.M. Junerbayeva, Zh.B. Kurmanov, A.Zh. Kulmagambetova, A.M. Uralbayeva



Hygienic assessment of the circulatory system level of the adult population of Aktobe city

G.I. Karashova, V.M. Sabyrakhmetova, L.D. Sakebayeva, K.N. Shayakhmetova, Z.A. Imangazina



Predicted sources of stress among first year students

G.A. Zhurabekova, G.B. Uspanova, G.S. Kashkinbayeva, S.B. Rakhmanov, A. Bisenov, K.Ye. Zharilkasynov



Our primary experience of kidney transplantation from living relative donor

B.S. Zhakiyev, G.M. Kuttymuratov, Zh. Almurzauly, K.K. Yermagambetov









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