Health environmental aspects of the cross-border cooperation in the water basin Ural
E.Zh. Bekmukhambetov, A.A. Mamyrbayev, T.A. Dzharkenov
Difficulties and complications of endoscopic papillosphincterotomy in patients with obstructive jaundice
N.I. Izimbergenov, B.S. Zhakiev, Yu.I. Bektagirov, A.A.Kaliev, Zh.O. Abdi, A.A. Bazarbayev, N.N. Smolenkova
Quality of children’s life, birthing from women with undifferentiated forms dysplasia of connective tissue, carrier familial herpes virus
L.N. Dorokhova, S.L. Kosykh, I.V. Bolgova, E.G. Gaus, G.A. Ushakova, V.G. Mozes
Local antibiotic therapy in the sinusitis
К.К. Amandykova
Experience with phytopreparations "shukur mai"in the clinic gastrointestinal
A.Z. Kanturinova, M.K. Tulina, L.B. Zhetpisova
The side effects of treatment chronic helicobacter pylori gastritis and peptic ulcer disease
G.V. Romanova
Features of organization and management of specialized care for children with bronchial asthma in karaganda
Zh.M. Bashekova
Educational organization work in the university
A.B. Tusupkaliev
The experience of conducting students' individual work on the discipline «communicative skills»
Z.M. Sydygalieva, Zh.N. Kenbeilov, K.Zh. Sultan
From the deep century to the future
M.A. Bashbayeva
The information security's role of management process
I.B. Kenzhebayeva, A.K. Bakhonov, K.Y. Kozbagarov
Hygienic estimation nutrition of cadets armed forces of military aviation institute of RK
D.T. Doskabulova, P.Zh. Aitmaganbet, V.G. Shpilevoi, A.Z. Moldashev
The best land «Kokzhide»
A.Е. Bekmukhambetov, Sh.M. Bekmukhambetova, D.T. Doskabulova, M.N. Kolokhova
Sacrament depression Shalkarteniz
Sh.M. Bekmukhambetova, A.Е. Bekmukhambetov, D.T. Doskabulova
Monounit gastrosplenotimy with lymphodissector in volume d2 and subtotal esophagestomy in synchronous primarymultiple carcinoma
Y.Zh. Bekmukhambetov
A.R. Kashkinbayeva, B.I. Dzhumasheva peliceus- mertsbaher leukodystrophy's event in the four-year-old child
Y.Zh. Bekmukhambetov
The Aktobe children's health status
S.V. Bulbina
Way of testicle hypoplasia treatment by means of early administration of chorionic gonadotropin in postoperative period
S.V. Ogai
Differential diagnosis of pneumonia in tb facility
A.A. Uzbekova, K.T. Dzhaysheva, N.A. Uzbekova, B.Zh. Mekebayeva, A.S. Almagambetova, T.V. Pererva M.U. Arystanalieva, R.S. Azhkhanova
Prospects of timely appointment ARV - therapies by the sick tuberculosis at the combination to a HIV-infection and diagnostics questions
B.M. Kadyrova, U.I. Sholzhanova, T.D.Zhulumova
Contraception methods in women ill with tuberculosis respiration
K.T. Dzhaisheva, L.M. Baimoldina, T.Sh. Shagidullina, T.I. Chupina, O.Yu. Seliverstova, R.Z. Bekesova, M.U. Arystangaliyeva, R.S. Azhkhanova
Current of an extrahospital pneumonia on background of endemic goiter
T.K. Sarsenbayeva
Efficiency of isosorbid-5-mononitratas at patients with the Stadle stenocardia
G.V. Romanova
Experience in treatment blipharitis using antibacterial preparation floximed
G.K. Kuzdeubayeva
Use bestoksol in different types of tapetoretional dystrophy retina
G.K. Kuzdeubayeva, S.A. Bilan, G.K. Berdigulova
Value of out-patient supervision of patients with the arterial hypertension
A.U. Abdullina, G.V. Romanova, L.A. Makoveichuk, Z.G. Vafina, E.V. Dussimova,
Modern approach treatment and plug sulfur prevention
R.B. Bakitova
Eyes' illness and pregnancy
- Kozhina
Some peculiarities of biological variants of shigells is revealed in aktobe region
K.Zh. Zhamanshina
Application of laser therapy in complex treatment at sinusitis
А.А. Itbayeva, А.А. Zhanturina
Application of phonophoresis in complex therapy of acne
А.А. Itbayeva, А.А. Zhanturina, R.Zh. Musserkepova
Experience of application of electrophoresis with a proteolitical ferment medicine at treatment of patients with hernias of disks
А.А. Itbayeva, А.N. Burambayeva, А.А. Zhanturina
Features of anesthetic management of laparoscopic interventions in children
Zh.N. Kanatbayeva
Anesthesiology maintenance in children with neuroradiology investigations
Zh.N. Kanatbayeva
The history of bronchoscopy
A.V. Aliyev