West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
WKMJ H-Index

2017 Issue 1

Modified risk factors and their influence on the development of cardiovascular diseases

B.K. Zholdin, N.B. Yeshniyazov, V.V. Medovchshikov, G.L.Kurmanalina



Implementation of mandatory social health insurance in the republic of Kazakhstan

G.N. Izimbergenova, G.Zh. Gumarova



Systematization of interdisciplinary approaches to extragenital pathology in pregnant women

I.V. Bacheva, N.S. Umbetalina, L.G. Turgunova, T.A. Baesheva



Results of experimental work on human papillomavirus and genital infections DNA extraction from Cellscan cytological liquid transportation medium

O.V. Zavalennaya, S.K. Balmagambetova, B.K. Karimsakova, O.N. Urazayev, S.K. Sakhanova, S.I. Кокtova, L.M. Yakupova, К.К. Sarkulova, E.V. Zholdybayeva, Zh.Zh. Balmagambetova



The features of clinic of neurological manifestations in patients with multiple sclerosis of Aktobe city

  1. Kabdrakhanova, A. Utepkaliyeva, A. Khamidulla



Efficacy of breast milk enrichment with fortifier for low birth-weight infants

  1. Tussupkaliev, M.B. Zharilkassinova, Zh.T. Zhussupova



Pathology of Meckel`s diverticulum in children and surgical treatment issues

B.K. Dzhenalaev, S.P. Dosmagambetov, V.I. Kotlobovsky, R.A. Kenzhalina, A.S. Samigolla



Tension-free SRM alloplasty of postoperative ventral hernias of median localization

A.A. Kononenko, M.K. Dzhakanov, S.G. Garmagambetov, A.F. Kononenko, T.S. Suyndikov



Youth policy – the main direction of the country’s future

А.K. Muhambetgalieva, M. Ganieva


2017 Issue 2

Pathophysiological mechanisms of atherosclerosis on the background of daily glucose fluctuations

G.M. Zharmakhanova, S.S. Iskakova, I.B. Kaybagarova, Zh.B. Boshanov, L.M. Syrlybaeva, Zh.Zh. Nurgalieva, E.B. Nurbaulina



Conservative methods of treatment of destructive periodontitis forms (literature review)

M.A. Kurmanalina, R.M. Uraz1, A.A. Skagers, J. Lochs



Morpho-histochimic study of neutrons of basin mainert nucleus on model of Alzheimer’s disease in conditions of protection with galarmin in comparison with norm (review)

A.V. Vardanyan, K.V. Karapetyan, M.B. Alieva



Drug-drug interactions in neurological departments of West Kazakhstan

A.Z. Mussina, G.A. Smagulova, Z.S. Nurmanova, A.O. Ashimova, G.V. Veklenko



Clinical and economical assessment of fluorpreparats at the subcompensated form of caries of permanent teeth of children

A.A. Taganiyazova, D.Zh. Maratova



Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and adherence to its correction

  1. I. Tkachenko, K.N. Kuharchuk



Comparative analysis of primary morbidity among children’s population of Aral Sea region

A.A. Mamyrbaev, D.T. Doskabulova, A.M. Makenova, U.A. Satybaldieva, V.M. Sabyrahmetova, K.N. Shayahmetova, A.O. Kenesova



Successful case of surgical treatment of right aberrant hepatic artery’s aneurysm complicated by profuse bleeding into duodenum’s lumen

B.S. Zhakiyev, B.A. Kurmanbayev, G.B. Aubakirov, B.K. Zhanabayev, N.Z. Kishkentayev, E.T. Sultangaliyev, K.A. Sarsenov



System approach to the organization and to the students motivation for research in medical high school

A.M. Baspakova, S.K. Sakhanova, T.A. Jarkenov



Experience of using the social network “Vkontakte” in teaching management of scientific research in the residency

L.M. Zhamalieva, G.K. Koshmaganbetova, G.H. Kalbagayeva



Problems of introduction of credit system in West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov State Medical University

A.Т. Tayzhanov, B.I. Shamshi, M.E. Ergaliev


2017 Issue 3

Ecological and hygienic monitoring of the incidence of the bronchopulmonary system of the population and air quality in Aktobe (2013 – 2015)

S.K. Bermagambetova, N.K. Usenov, T.K. Karimov, A.N. Zinaliyeva, A.B. Nagimetova, L.U. Niazalina, A.B. Kulbayeva, U.Zh. Akhmetova



A study of the prevalence of the use of various fast foods by adolescents aged 12-13 years old

A.S. Ospanova, A.S. Kerimkulova, T.H. Rymbayeva, A.M. Markabayeva



Features of orthopedic stomatological care for pregnant women (literature review)

Y.S. Borichevskaya, R.M. Uraz, A.E. Omargali



Modern tendencies of expenditures for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome and medical economic efficiency bariatric surgery

R.A. Fursov



New slant on hypolipidemic characteristics of vitamin-e and red date

Ashraf Memon, Shahina Hakro, Khalid Niaz, Abdul Qudoos, Abdul Qudoos, Shah Murad



The peculiarities of purins cathabolism in patients with ischemic heart disease

О.А. Visternichan



Influence of lipid peroxidation integration on pregnancy in women with autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland

T.A. Melikova



Experience of using of metal plates in children`s leg bones fractures

Zh. T. Baubekov, А.B. Tussupkaliyev, B.K. Jenalayev, R.А. Kenzhalina, А.Ye. Аubakirov, L.M. Duguzheva



Some aspects of teaching philosophy in medical university

N.A. Sagimbayeva


2017 Issue 4

Analysis of epizootic and epidemiological situation of plague in Atyrau region

  1. Аiмаkhаnоv, Т. Kunitsa, L. Burdelov, V. Меkа-Меchеnkо, Z. Sagiyev, А. Daniyarova, L.B. Umbetiyarova, Z. Dalibayev, V. Sadovskaya, Т. Khamzin, F. Sarayev, Z. Kаmzinа



Epidemiological prognosis and trends of the cervical cancer morbidity in the western region of Kazakhstan

Ye.Zh. Bekmukhambetov, S.K. Balmagambetova, G.G. Yerimbetova, A.K. Koishybayev, O.N. Urazayev, O.V. Zavalennaya, Zh.Zh. Urazayeva



The influence of cultural stress on the health status of foreign students: literature review

Zh. Ibrayeva, D. Aldyngurov, A. Myssayev, L. Kassym



Respiratory distress syndrome and retinopathy as the dominant pathologies among preterm infants

М.B. Кoкеnоvа, A.T. Shaltynov, A.S. Jamedinova, A.O. Myssayev, S.К. Меirmanov



Comparison of adsorption properties of food cell received from plant raw material

A.M. Nuraly, K.S. Bekseitova, M.A. Biysenbayev, М.А. Nuraliyev, S.A. Panov, A.М. Myrzagaliyev



Theoretical substantiation of changing concentrations of neurospecific markers in patients with metabolic syndrome

I.A. Kadyrova



Clinical case of gluten enteropathy in adults

  1. Кushimova, B. Zholdin, S. Seitmagambetova, G. Kurmanalina, I. Talipova



Evaluation of actual nutrition of medical university students

S.K. Bermagambetova, A.N. Zinaliyeva



Analysis of the socio-economic status of territories with different levels of radiation and non-radiation risk

L.S. Yermukhanova, G.D. Sultanova, G.N. Isimbergenova, R.K. Nazarbaeva, M.S. Kaliyeva-Karabalina



Integration of communicative skills in clinical disciplines on the example of propaedeutics of internal diseases

G.V. Veklenko, S.V. Kim, L.N. Vlasova



The use of a complex method for assessment of knowledge and skills of trainees for the purpose of competency enhancement

Ye.K. Kuandykov, V.K. Маkhatova, N.Sh. Bektibayeva, K.K. Salkhozhayeva, A.K. Kamysbayeva



Peculiarities of types of accentation of character and temperament among young people of Aktobe

A.M. Baspakova, L.S. Yermukhanova, G.G. Yerimbetova



Corporate culture of the university through the eyes of students

M.A. Bashbayeva, A.A. Duisenova, G.K. Koshmaganbetova


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