West Kazakhstan Medical Journal
WKMJ H-Index

2021 Volume 63 Issue 1

Letrozole following laparoscopic ovarian drilling in clomiphene resistant polycystic ovary syndrome women

  1. A. Abdelazim



Results of Hirschsprung’s disease surgical treatment in children: retrospective research

B.K. Dzhenalayev, V.I. Kotlobovsky, S.P. Dosmagambetov, A.B. Tussupkaliev, R.A. Kenzhalina, A.E. Ergaliev, Zh.T. Baubekov, B.N. Bisaliev, K.Zh. Satybaldiev



Comparison of hypoglycemic fruits with allopathic medication

  1. Marwat, A.А. Azmi, A. Hussain, Sh. Murad, A. Shafque, M. Arif



Analysis of diagnostic criteria for diffuse and intestinal types of stomach cancer

Zh.E. Kоmekbay, A.R. Kaliev, G.A. Kazbekova, G.Zh. Essultanova



Hygienic assessment of food compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the customs union

S.V. Perepelkin



Morphometric characteristics of the thyroid gland according to computer tomography, ultrasonic investigation and sectional observations and their comparison

I.N. Fateyev



A review of modern tools for teaching pharmacological nomenclature to students at higher medical educational institutions

A.A. Balapasheva, Zh.Zh. Nurgaliyeva


2021 Volume 63 Issue 2


Dental fluorosis and tooth decay rates in regions with high fluorine levels in drinking water: literature review

V.V.V englovskiy, S.R. Zhakenova



Therapeutic efciency of quercetinum forin patiens with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome

A.N. Bilovol, I.I. Kniazkova, А.B. Tverytinov, V.I. Korniichuk, А.А. Nesen, N.В. Zоrеnkо



Innate and adaptive immunity state determination in children with pyelonephritis on congenital hydronephrosis background in active stage of the disease

M.Mishyna, V. Davydenko, I. Marchenko, Yu. Mozgova, S. Malanchuk, O. Dubovik, Yu. Mishyn



Microbiological characterization of pathogenicity factors of candida albicans and staphylococcus aureus association affecting neutrophil phagocytic activity

M.M. Mishyna, O.V. Kochneva, O.V. Kotsar



Determination of ethnic features of peripheral blood flow efficiency

  1. Amanzholkyzy, G.I. Isayev, A.R. Astrakhanov, A.T. Kaldybaeva, D.S. Kulzhanova, T.Zh. Batyrova, A.B. Omarova, A.A. Izteleuov



Affective comorbidities in diseases of the nervous-muscular system: a cross-sectional observation study in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia

L.R. Akhmadeeva



Features of newborns adaptation born from mothers living in the oil and gas region

B.Tusupkaliyev, A. K. Zhumalina, A. B.Tusupkaliyev, B.A. Zhekeyeva



Strategic assessment of mental health care reforms on the example of Pavlodar region

M.V. Prolutskaya, Ye.A. Tyumentseva, G.K. Altybaeva



Linguistic identity of the medicine: informal professional speech

R.Kh. Khairullina, S.N. Ryzhkova, A.S. Urkunova, V.P. Berger



The importance of visiting pathomorphological laboratory in the Poznan University of Medical Sciences

A.R. Kaliev, A.B. Ramankulova



General practitioners` emotional burn-out

К.Е. Yerenzhan, М.М. Assukhanova, G.S. Dilmagambetova*, Z.B. Moldasheva, A.S. Tleuova


2021 Volume 63 Issue 3

Association of education with cognitive function in newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease

Oh-Dae Kwon, Min-Jae Lee, Hye-Guk Ryu



The study of empathy as an important component of communicative competence among students of the West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University using the IRI questionnaire: Cross-Sectional Study

A.I. Miraleyeva, D.M. Amanzhol, G.E. Yergazy, I.M. Zholdybayeva, A.A. Umirzak, B.P.S. Rajpurokhit



Attidute of family medicine residency learners to their profession: results of a qualitative study

Z.Zh. Tanbetova, G.S. Dilmagambetova, M.B. Akhmetzhanova, L.M. Zhamaliyeva



Quality of life, mental health and sleep disorders in obese people of working age

  1. Tkachenko, T. Bagro



Clinical case of successful delivery of a pregnant woman with eclampsia in the practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Sh.B. Arenova, A.B. Tussupkaliyev, A.N. Gaiday, L.K. Ayazbayeva, Z.Zh. Imangalieva, G.S. Rakhmetullina



Hippotherapy with severe multiple sclerosis: a clinical case

L.R. Akhmadeyeva, R.R. Gizatullin, R.Kh. Gizatullin, N.A. Nikitina



Wilson-Konovalov’s disease: what a doctor of the primary care should know

G.E. Roitberg, O.O. Sharkhun, E.S. Ivanova, M.V. Ovchinnikova



Residency educational program in training professionals for primary health care in Kazakhstan of Family Medicine Specialty

B.A. Abeuova, T.O. Abugaliyeva, A.B. Kuzgibekova, A.T. Takirova, V.A. Zhakipbekova


2021 Volume 63 Issue 4

Biological safety in clinical diagnostic laboratories

А.А. Аbiyeva, L.B. Seyduanova



Pathogenetic aspects of the impact of chronic odontogenic infection foci on the immunopathological mechanisms of organism: literature review

  1. A.Taganiyazova, A. T.Dustanova, D. Zh.Maratova, G. K.Isayeva, Sh. A.Tleuzhanova, A.Zh.Utargaliyeva, M.A.Kurmanalina



Pathological reactions to gluten in children: definition, classification, clinical and serological characteristics

L.Ya. Klimov1, V.A. Kuriyaninova , Ye.A. Cherkassova1, M.V. Stoyan, T.A. Ivenskaya1, A.V. Yagupova , Ya.D. Mironova1, L.D. Kochneva



Assessment of medical professionalism in medical universities of Kazakhstan

N.A.Abenova, B.K.Karimsakova, A.N. Seipenova, A.U. Imanbayeva



Development of an educational program for the residence in the specialty of family medicine

L.M. Zhamaliyeva, N.A. Abenova, G.S. Dilmagambetova, G.K. Koshmaganbetova, T.P. Оstretsova, Z.Zh. Tanbetova, M.B. Akhmetzhanova, A.A. Yegemberdiyeva, N.K. Kenzhina, A.K. Tautanova



The signifcance of laboratory methods for diagnosis of viral hepatitis in the assessment of morphological changes in the liver

S.S. Kurmangaliyeva, A.K. Turdalina, S.F. Zelentsova, J.S. Dandagariyeva, G.K. Taumanova, A.T. Ilyasova



The effect of arterial embolization on the pathomorphological characteristics of benign dyshormonal prostatic hyperplasia

K.B. Manekenova, T.M. Omarov, U.S. Zhaparov, E.I. Ainayev, Zh.K. Dosmambetova, A.Zh. Baigozha, A.K. Sakipova



Age features of change in concentration of leptin in hypothyrosis

N.A. Rykalo, T.V. Shevchuk, N.A. Shevchuk



Comparative retrospective analysis of the microbiome of the nose and paranasal sinuses in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

R.K. Tulebayev, T.M. Azhenov, A.A. Nesipbayeva, M.T. Zhaysanbayeva, N.B. Kenzhebayeva, B.A. Nurmukhambetova, D.V. Kogai, A.K. Nagumanov, A.Zh. Smagulova, N.Sh.Turdiyeva



Etiopathogenesis of tympanosclerosis

U.M. Ergashev



Trastuzumab-induced acute cardiotoxic event in breast cancer patient - a clinical case

S.K. Balmagambetova, Zh.Sh. Tlegenova, B.K. Zholdin, G.L. Kurmanalina, I.Zh. Talipova, A.K. Koyshybaev, A.K. Urazova, D.S. Nurmanova, O.N. Urazayev, G.A. Sultanbekova, K.I. Kubenova, M.B. Baspayeva, S.S. Madinova



Features of teaching issues of clinical anatomy and operative surgery in the complex training of maxillofacial surgeons: literature review

I.N. Fateyev, M.S. Zhailybayev, K.B. Darzhanova, A.A. Sapargaliyeva


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