National health system in Italy: development stages, status and trends
Ye. Bekmuкhambetov, M. Valenti, G. Zhurabekova, S. Kumyspayev, S. Rakhmanov
Some actual problems of the state language in medicine
M.M. Sabitbekova, Zh.K. Kozhabekova
Screening for glaucoma (literature review)
G.T. Sarbayeva
Analysis of the prevalence allergy software in Aktobe
L.M. Tulegenova, Z.S. Khayrullina , S.Kh. Yesekeyeva, L.K. Sartova, L.M. Bukhayeva
The formation of the components of skin dermis at human embryos of the first three months of development
Ye.Yu. Shapovalova, T.A. Kolomoyets, A.V. Martynyuk
Morbidity and level of trace elements in children of school age living near chrome interprises
B.T. Tusupkaliyev, А.К. Zhumalina, S.К. Bermagambetova, G.Zh. Mamatova
Dysplastic abnormalities of the heart at children and teenagers with undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia
G.M. Kulniyazova, A.M. Tuyakbayev, Zh.K. Zhanibekova
Long-term results of complex treatment ulcer of the duodenum
M.K. Dzhakanov, K.R. Tayshibayev, A.A. Kononenko, A.Ph. Kononenko, B.Zh.Bozgaliev, S.K. Buribayev
Some aspects of children cure with broncho-obstructive syndrome according to the strategy of integrated management of childhood diseases
K.B. Abdrakhmanov, Zh.Kh. Issanguzhina, N.B. Bisaliev, S.A. Karakulov, A. Almurzayeva
The difficulties of diagnostics and treatment of abdominothoracic wounds
Ye.N. Ilyasov, A.A. Kononenko, A.Ph. Kononenko, M.K. Dzhakanov, K.R. Tayshibayev
Changes of cerebrospinal fluid in tuberculous meningitis
Ph.A. Kabdulova
Efficiency of the action of the toothpaste blend - a - med pro - expert and toothbrush oral-b pro - expert at gingivitis
K.I. Azhenova, G.A. Oralbayeva, Ye.I. Kolbayev, A.D. Kydyrova, R.K. Kunanbayev
Clinical experience of the using the combination of besilat amlodipin and arginin perindopril among the patients with a hypertonical disease
K.T. Zholbaskanova, S.A. Abdildayeva, A.S. Askarova
Morphological effects of pesticides on the mammalian ovarian follicle
S.A. Notolla, S Cecconi, G. Machiarelli
Inpatient technology development in the treatment of surgical patients
B.U. Izbassarov, T.T. Kurganbekov, А.А.Tazhiev, I.K. Zhalimbetova
Factors which can break obesity and nutritional correction
T.K. Karimov, S.K. Bermagambetova
Regional issues of professional pathology in western kazakhstan
A.A. Маmyrbayev, U.A. Satybaldiyeva, U.A. Kartzhanov
Interaction between cardiovascular and vegetative nervous systems on bronchial asthma at coalminers
U.A. Satybaldiyeva, A.M. Baymanova, O.I. Trebukhina, U.A. Kartzhanov, A.A. Musina
Indicators immune homeostasis of the workers of chromic production
A.A. Mamyrbayev, L.D. Sakebayeva, U.A. Satybaldieva, B.V. Zasorin
The specific compound of rodents and ectoparasites (fleas, mites) which are inhabited in the north-west parts of Aktobe region and the participation in epizootic quarantine infections
B.K. Taubayev
Assessment of morbidity of population of boundary territories
A.A. Mamyrbayev, T.I. Sukashev, S.S. Alimbayev, L.D. Sakebayeva, G.S. Kuspangalieva
Nervous system lesions in aids
G.B. Kabdrakhmanova, L.A. Kumeyko, Ye.A. Kryazhova, D.K. Kuzhakulov
The basis of healthy lifestyle of the students and hygiene of the use of physical education
- Bakytuly, Ye.M. Amirov, A.A. Duanbekov, M.Zh. Almakhanova
The review of the simulation methods of training in clinical preparation
К.B. Kurmangaliyev, A.S. Mukanova, G.Ye. Kuldanova, Sh.Zh. Salikova, М.I. Turebayeva
Role of «small» conferences in activization of students’ cognitive work
G.A. Satenova, L.S. Yermukhanova
The training lessons’ program for development of students’ educational motivation
M.М. Knissarina, G.U. Bekeshova, Zh.I. Sultan, G.S. Zhumalieva
Formation of communication competence of medical high educational institutions’ students in the process of the Russian language learning
M.K. Baytakova, A.K. Derbisalina
The characteristic of manifestations of chickenpox in Aktobe region
S.Zh. Almaniyazova
Modern in the treatment of acute bronchitis at the children
G.O. Nartbayevа
Intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection at newborn
- Tusupkaliyev, G.N. Yergaliyeva, M.Zh. Aypeysov, B.A. Zhekeyeva
The estimation of effectiveness of neuromidine at the patients with lumbar dorsalogy
S.Yu. Suleymanova, V.B. Izdibayeva, Ye. Kryazhova, A.A. Kamalova
Effects of pre- and postnatal education of newborns and children at the age of infancy in the system of preventive disease
G.O. Nartbayeva
Treatment approach at acute coronary syndromes on prehospital stage of the rendering medical aid
B.A. Azimbayeva
Cases of successful surgical treatment of patients with achalasia of the esophagus
B.S. Zhakiyev, Zh.O. Abdi, N.Ye. Uteulin, A.K. Turkumbayev, N.N. Smolenkova, R.A. Sharipov
Systematic scleroderma and pregnancy
G.R. Zhakiyeva, G.Zh. Lepesova, A.Zh. Aldasheva, B.K. Suynshalina, L.G. Zakharova
Involvement of the lung system at polymyositis
A.S. Akhmetova, K.K. Tokbayeva, L.M.Kusainova
A rare form of mastoiditis in children of early age
V.P. Grigoriev, L.Sh.Kirkimbayeva, R.A. Amirbekova, I.R. Baydanov